Most voted "android" questions
Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. Use this tag to reference questions related to programming for Android and be relevant only to this operating system. Use the [android-subject] tag instead of [subject] alone.
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viewsAlign Textview to the right in a Linearlayout in Android Studio
Hello, I’m a beginner in Android Studio, and I had a problem with alignment, I already took a look at similar questions but could not solve the problem. My layout is like this: I need to leave…
viewsHide Android/Kotlin Keyboard
I have a EditText I need you to stay focused, but do not open the keyboard at any time, as it will receive a reading from a Qrcode. You can do it? I’ve tried that:…
viewsUsing Instrumentation Testing to Validate Layout on Android
People, Before asking my question, below is an example of instrumentation code (incomplete purposely) on Android: import android.content.Intent import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle import…
viewsViewmodel with Hilt
I’m making a logic in my app to present the appBar of it just when I need wing to appear or not. For this I did the following Viewmodel: Stateappviewmodel @HiltViewModel class StateAppViewModel…
viewsreceiving NULL parameter in details Fragment
My Pokemonitem class has a Skill List on it (another class), when I get the "abilities" I get a "null" on my screen instead of the "abilities". Someone can help me? private fun configDetalhes() {…
viewsBasic authentication on Android Gradle [beginner]
I am an intern. I have an android project, I am in build.Radle, my superior said that for security purposes I could not edit the project (source code) to enter my authentication, I should find a way…
android android-studio gradle groovy android-gradleasked 3 years, 8 months ago Cristopher Vieira 11 -
viewsChanging the title color of an open Activity
I’m trying to change the color of the text of my Action Bar, but I’m not getting... I have researched here and elsewhere and the answer is always very similar to that answer: Changing the title…
views'onCreate' overrides Nothing - Kotlin
I’m new in the area and had made a currency converter application in Kotlin and wanted to put a API, but I am unable to start the application because of this error in the onCreate. I have tried to…
viewsCaused by: java.lang.Classcastexception: android.widget.Framelayout cannot be cast to androidx.drawerlayout.widget.Drawerlayout
I’m trying to create a Drawer navigation menu, but when I run my app it crashes, already searched and the changes that were to be made at first I already did. Someone can help me? Error log:…
viewsCheck for Firebase node
Good afternoon, I am checking if there is a node in Firebase, if it exists I will just increment the value on that node, but when it does not exist I will create the node, but Else is not working.…
viewsLimit the number of decimals - JAVA
Hello! I just started programming and I’m learning java. I’m trying to make my first app, which calculates the rule of three. I managed to make it work, but I had to transform the result of the…
viewsHow to know List Size? ANDROID KOTLIN
ANDROID KOTLIN : Next: I have my Data Class with its variables,I make a call to the api and I get in my Adapter the list size to add to my attributes in xml ok.. wanted in Activity I put the amount…
viewsI cannot call an "id" of the "Mainactivity.kt" file inside the "activity_main.xml" file
Hello. I’m starting the program. I’m using Android Studio with the Kotlin language. I’m trying to call an "id", which is inside the file "activity_main.xml" in the file "Mainactivity.kt", I’m not…
viewsIon Toggle not saved - Storage (Ionic)
Hello, I have a simple problem. I have a list of Toggles in my app. I need that when users check or uncheck Toggle, changes are saved after the application is closed. I am using Storagemodule. I…
viewshow to filter what will appear in Recyclerview
I want to filter what will appear in Recyclerview, is possible? There is a Calendarview and I want that when someone clicks on a day from the calendarview, it shows itemviews only from that date,…
android android-studio android-adapter android-recyclerview calendarasked 3 years, 6 months ago izadora 1 -
viewsProblem loading URL with Webview Kotlin
I’m trying to open an html inside the Assets in Android Studio, but the page is completely blank. NOTE: When I put any external link, it works. class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override…
viewsHow do I add a value that I calculated from an informed data that appears in a new Textview?
I need to calculate the maximum heart rate from the age informed by the user (fcm = 220 - age). I created the fields to capture the name and age, but I can’t make the calculated fcm appear on the…
viewsHow to save a photo by creating a file with another name instead of replacing the previous file?
Hello, good afternoon! I’m having trouble saving the photo, because when you save it replaces, instead of creating another with another name: package com.pesquisa.pesquisacenso.view; import…
viewsHow do I take a Long value in an Edittext and insert it into Firebase?(Android Studio)
I need to take a long value and insert it into Firebase and then show it in a Listview. I created a Pessoa class and with the other attributes I was able to insert and show it in a good one. Only…
viewsHow to create a button to add one more to the editText value?
I’d like a little support from you... I’m trying to add a button to subtract and include the amount of items... Look at my code... I’ve tried some ways, but without success. It has to be through…
viewsCamera and Gallery image not saved
I wrote a code in Android Studio java, SQLITE with image gallery and camera using the SAMSUNG A5 2017 as emulator. When running all fields were saved normally. I switched to the GALAXY S20 FE. When…
viewsError sending Java android notification
I’m trying to send notification on an android app. However, when I click the button to call the method, nothing happens, no error. Follows code: PERMISSION IN THE MANIFESTO: <uses-permission…
viewsI can’t make a sum
Hello, I am developing an application that makes a calculation of electricity consumption in React Native. In it, I have 2 pickers: one of hours and the other of minutes. And to make it easier on…
viewsAndroid Studio: insert data into a Mysql BD
I have this code to insert data into an external database, but when the save button is clicked, it inserts a new entry into the table, but empty. The php script works well because using Postman…
androidasked 3 years, 3 months ago Diogo Simao 1 -
viewsProblem with difference in color of Android app. Android Studio appears one way and my phone is totally different
Hello, all right? I’m starting now in Mobile Development. My problem is the following: I created a simple app for testing, in Android Studio it gets the colors the right way I want, but when I…
viewsDifferences between Facebook SDK and Google Play Game Services
I would like some indication, comment, about both tools for creating games Android that seek to connect to social networks. The main one I already know, one connects to Facebook, the other to the…
viewsWhat better server side technology to serve information to cross-platform software?
We know it’s possible to access the Facebook of various clients such as browsers, android, iOS etc. I know that via browser HTTP protocol is used (obviously) with technologies such as AJAX and…
viewsHow to create menu on Android?
I’m looking to create a menu similar to this: Would anyone like to tell me how to ride? I would like some tips.…
viewsProblems with page transition
I’m trying to create a simple event to change page by clicking the button, but whenever I run the application it crashes when it opens. Mainactivity: package; import…
viewsGood practices to keep code clean
I develop on Android a few months and one thing I noticed is that the more features a screen has, the more messy the code gets! How so? Imagine an Activity that has Loading bar, various actions that…
viewsReading XML with bug
People here in the project where I use classes to read an XML works, the problem is that it is not loading the whole message string, what can it be? Ex: the provider has a text , and is only showing…
viewsAuthenticate by SMS
I would like to know how I can authenticate a registration by sending SMS to the user’s mobile number? And which companies provide this service.
viewsApp is closing, while consuming webservice
I have a problem in my application, when consuming a web service in Json, the application is closing. The idea of my application is I consume this web service to validate my email and password, and…
how do I use the mobile camera (Android) with PHP, currently using PHP+JAVASCRIPT, someone could send me a help and if possible some example. Thank you
viewsHow to change background when changing screen orientation on Android
I’m developing an Android application where the background image is only cool when the phone is upright. I would like every time the user changes the screen orientation the background changes to an…
viewsAdvanced android course
Guys, anyone knows any institution that offers an advanced android course? What do I mean by advanced android? I want someone who has already created their own version of android, who has changed…
androidasked 8 years, 9 months ago Paulo Gustavo 1,319 -
viewsHow to run videos on android
I want to run a background video as a Standby screen, hiding player controls etc.
androidasked 8 years, 9 months ago Mateus Carvalho 1,494 -
viewsHttp Doubt x Https Android
I’m creating an Android application. This one calls PHP files via Httppost. I ask: what changes do I call with https instead of http (I start from the point I will use https, already certified on…
viewsHow to consume Json on Android?
How do I consume a Json on Android?
viewsIs it necessary to memorize everything about XML files while I have the IDE to do it for me?
I’m starting to learn Android and wanted to know if it is necessary to memorize the attributes that a component has as layout_height, layout_width, layout_gravity, etc.. It has certain attributes…
viewsGrab gallery image on android
I would like it to open in the Image Gallery and not in Image contactImgView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new…
androidasked 9 years, 5 months ago Gabriel Santana Bonatto 319 -
viewsHow to take the shadow off a Toolbar?
I made Toolbar transparent but I’d like to remove that shadow that highlights him. Grateful to those who help ^^
androidasked 8 years, 7 months ago Luiz Claudio044444 11 -
viewsForce open Facebook/Twitter/Google in browser
I created a mobile app that is accessed via browser (a web app, a common website). In it I have a button that opens via a page on Facebook, but when I click the button, it calls the…
viewsHow to open . html files in my application?
I’m making an application for Android and wanted to know how to open and display a file .html specific located on SD card directly in my application.
viewsjava.lang.Numberformatexception: Invalid int: ""
I am beginner and every time I try to make my application run from error, please help me I have to finish this as soon as possible package com.example.chuveiroappuva; import…
androidasked 8 years, 6 months ago Rafael Santiago 11 -
viewsWhat is the best way to create a cross-platform game?
Good, I wanted to know the best way to create a cross-platform game (iOS, Android, ...). I’ve already researched the subject and fixed the Cocos2d-x, what do you think about this framework?…
viewsSqlite database in android project
Good afternoon, I’m having a question, I’m doing a project on Android Stúdio and my application has an idea of notepad, and I was wondering if it has how to show the annotations when initializing…
viewsJava command to add column in table
I need the code in Java on Android to sum the column of a given Sqlite table. I know the command is "Select sum(coluna) from tabela", but what I need to know is how to write this in Java to recover…
viewsReplace numbers with letters inside Arraylist
I’m creating a calculator where I want the numbers inside the ArrayList, are replaced by letters in textView. Example: 1 = To, 2 = B, etc.. With the code below, I got this by typing the numbers.…
viewsI cannot send values to Webservice . NET
This is a simple dollar conversion webservice: public class Callsoap { String resultado; String erro = null; public String Call (String ip, String porta, float n){ String SOAP_ADDRESS =…