Hello, Anderson.
That’s really the trend, but that doesn’t mean that support for Web Forms will be removed from Visual Studio, at least not yet. Even Web Forms had updates in the new version of ASP.NET (Web Forms 4.6), but the focus of the efforts will be MVC. Web Forms will not keep track of all the novelties of the ASP.NET platform and will soon become obsolete.
Of course, for small and fast projects with little maintenance, I don’t see any problems in using Web Forms (although I wouldn’t do this anymore today), but considering the current scenario of the web and the market, it is no longer feasible to invest in Web Forms for new large projects (in fact, small projects can grow too, it’s not even?).
Unless you have a good reason to use Web Forms in your new project, I advise you to go to MVC, which is a current platform, is constantly updated and provides us with various resources to develop the most varied types of application. MVC also allows you to invest more in front-end, ensuring a more enjoyable end-user interface and more flexible and manageable for the programmer.
Well, in short, that’s it. Hug.