Use LIMIT in a Datatable


Viewed 396 times


Good morning! I’m having a little trouble, because I’m a layman on the subject...

I use a DataTable to display some records, whenever I enter a given page, give F5, the table "delay" to "compress", because the page is loading all records of my select, I believe, that the ideal way would be to load the page a registration amount per selected page (table paging), however, I do not know how to do this...

If I just put $sql = "SELECT * FROM contas LIMIT 1, 10";, will only display 10 records from my bank obviously...

I used "pageLength" in the script, but it also, does not prevent the page from loading all records...

So how can I be using the LIMIT or another tool to "stop" the page from loading all records at once?

Script I am using:

$(document).ready(function () {
"scrollX": true,
"pageLength": 10 


$sql = "SELECT contas.* , estabelecimento_detalhes.* FROM contas, estabelecimento_detalhes WHERE contas.estabelecimento = estabelecimento_detalhes.estabelecimento AND contas.categoria != 'EMPRESA-X'";

2 answers


Hello, for you to do this you need to use jQuery Datatable Server-Side I’ll make an example for you to have a better idea.

Based on a table, it would look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready(function () {
                "ajax": {
                    "url": "/home/loaddataserver",
                    "type": "POST",
                "processing": true,
                "serverSide": true,
                "filter": false,
                "orderMulti": false,
                "paging": true,
                "columns": [
                    { "data": "id", "name": "id", "autoWidth": true },                       //index 0
                    { "data": "nome", "name": "nome", "autoWidth": true },                   //index 1
                    { "data": "fornecedor.nome", "name":"fornecedor.nome", "autoWidth": true },//index 2
                    { "data": "categoria.nome", "name":"categoria.nome", "autoWidth": true },//index 3
                    { "data": "precoDeCusto", "name":"precoDeCusto", "autoWidth": true },  //index 4
                    { "data": "precoDeVenda", "name": "precoDeVenda", "autoWidth": true }, //index 5
                    { "data": "medicao", "name":"medicao", "autoWidth": true }, //index 6
                    { "data": "status", "name":"status", "autoWidth": true } //index 7
                "language": {
                    "lengthMenu": "Visualizando _MENU_ Registros por página",
                    "zeroRecords": "Não existe registros para visualização",
                    "info": "Mostrando página _PAGE_ de _PAGES_",
                    "infoEmpty": "No records available",
                    "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)",
                    "paginate": {
                        "previous": "Página Anterior",
                        "next": "Próxima página"


In your controller you need to do the method that will send and receive the data using json, follow an example done in core:

        public IActionResult loaddataserver()

            var draw = Request.Form["draw"].FirstOrDefault();
            var start = Request.Form["start"].FirstOrDefault();
            var length = Request.Form["length"].FirstOrDefault();

            var sortColumn = Request.Form["columns"] + Request.Form["order[0][column]"].FirstOrDefault() + "][name]".FirstOrDefault();
            var sortColumnDir = Request.Form["order[0][dir]"].FirstOrDefault();

            int pageSize = length != null ? Convert.ToInt32(length) : 0;
            int skip = start != null ? Convert.ToInt32(start) : 0;
            int totalRecords = 0;

          //  var v = ( database.Produtos.Include(p => p.Categoria).Include(p => p.Fornecedor).Where(p => p.Id <= 35));
            var v = (database.Produtos.Include(p => p.Categoria).Include(p => p.Fornecedor));

            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumnDir)))
             //   v = v.OrderBy(sortColumn + " " + sortColumnDir);

            totalRecords = v.Count();
            var data = v.Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            return Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = totalRecords, recordsTotal = totalRecords, data = data });

  • Thank you so much for the answer, I only have a doubt in the second part, where should I put it? in the file mentioning in URL?

  • The second part and the controller code, are you using MVC in php ? see link "url": "/home/loaddataserver", is sending a post to a controller, if the answer helped, do not forget brand as a solution to help other people too

  • Excuse ignorance, I am very lay/new in this direction, I do not own this directory or anything like, apparently I do not use "MVC" so... but if I create a file, mention in the url and put the second part, it will work?

  • Yes, it will work, since you are bringing the correct data, because what I posted and an example, you have to adjust to the data of your table, just follow as a model

  • Yes yes, I’ll try here and get back to you... I’m using your code and a site that explains well too website, from now on, thank you!

  • Well, so far nothing... is displayed at all, I’m probably missing something...

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Good afternoon, Ctjr_tecnico, I’m also new here, but if I understand correctly, in my pages, when I want to limit the amount of record I want to show in Datatable, I put this line: iDisplayLength: 10,

I’ll put my code, I hope it helps you.

            $(document).ready(function() {
                var table = $('#tabela').DataTable( {
                  initComplete: function () {
                    this.api().columns().every( function () {
                      var column = this;
                      var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
                        .appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
                        .on( 'change', function () {
                          var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(

                            .search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
                        } );

             function ( d, j ) {
                                select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' )
                            } );
                        } );

                    dom: 'lBfrtip',

                    buttons: [
                            extend: 'colvis',
                            collectionLayout: 'fixed four-column',
                            text: 'Visualização'
                            extend: 'colvisGroup',
                            text: 'Mostrar tudo',
                            show: ':hidden'

                    iDisplayLength: 10, //está linha fará com que traga até 10 registros na minha página.
                    bPaginate: true, //coloco verdadeiro para ter paginação.
                    bInfo: true, //coloco verdadeiro também para trazer as informações das páginas.
                                    bFilter: true,
                                    "bAutoWidth": false,
                                    "bRetrieve": true,
                                    "bDestroy": true,
                                    "oLanguage": {
                                        "sEmptyTable":     "Nenhum registro encontrado na tabela",
                                        "sInfo": "Mostrar _START_ até _END_ do _TOTAL_ registros",
                                        "sInfoEmpty": "Mostrar 0 até 0 de 0 Registros",
                                        "sInfoFiltered": "(Filtrar de _MAX_ total registros)",
                                        "sInfoPostFix":    "",
                                        "sInfoThousands":  ".",
                                        "sLengthMenu": "Mostrar _MENU_ registros por pagina",
                                        "sLoadingRecords": "Carregando...",
                                        "sProcessing":     "Processando...",
                                        "sZeroRecords": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
                                        "sSearch": "Pesquisar: ",
                                        "oPaginate": {
                                            "sNext": "Proximo",
                                            "sPrevious": "Anterior",
                                            "sFirst": "Primeiro",
                                        "oAria": {
                                            "sSortAscending":  ": Ordenar colunas de forma ascendente",
                                            "sSortDescending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma descendente"

            } );
  • Hi, thanks for the answers, I don’t know if "limit" is the right word, I just want the DataTable do not load all records at once, And yes, who charges 10 out of 10... I know how to display 5 out of 5, 10 out of 10, and so on...

  • Intendi, that’s right, good me at least putting: iDisplayLength: 10, bPaginate: true, I will bring only 10 records on my page, then I move on to the next and see the next 10 and so on, but I have all the records of my select already prepared to show.

  • I’ll test, any doubt I’ll tell you, thank you!

  • Well, I added it to my script, and apparently it didn’t work... the page still "delay"... <script>&#xA;$(document).ready(function () {&#xA;$('#tabela').DataTable({&#xA;"scrollX": true,&#xA;"iDisplayLength": 10, //está linha fará com que traga até 10 registros na minha página.&#xA;});&#xA;$('.dataTables_length').addClass('bs-select');&#xA;});&#xA;</script> &#xA;

  • It takes time to load but brings back the 10 records on the first page, or it takes time to load and back and back 10 more records on the page?

  • It takes time to load, because "already loaded all the records" (press CTRL + U, in your table and check if you no longer have all the records...), and it is not "take" the right word, but the table kind of "Buga" and then back again...

  • I did the test by pressing CTRL + U and my table loaded all the data, but also not many, it’s only 140, I think so did not catch, I do not know what can be in your case, but do some tests, try to bring less records, or less data, instead of * from, bring less information, or if you are running on a local server on your machine or on a domain, this can have influence as well. Take these tests to see if you can.

  • The table does not lock as I already said, it "Buga" at the beginning and then back. The server is online, and the SELECT is the simplified maximum... thanks for trying to help!

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