How to do a search ignoring Javascript accent?


Viewed 15,594 times


Suppose I have a list of words, in Javascript (if necessary, already ordered according to the rules of collation):

var palavras = [

Notice I didn’t use the cedilla (ç) nor the tilde (ã) consistently. How can I search in this list by "programming", but ignoring the accentuation, so that various types of searches return results? Ex.:

buscar(palavras, "programacao");
buscar(palavras, "programação");

I made a semantic question for the Python language, and tried to apply the proposed solution (normalize and remove combinants) to Javascript, but ran into the problem of lack of support for Unicode normalization. And although I can normalize them (using one polyfill, for example), still missing identify and remove matching characters.

Is there something already ready in this sense, so that I don’t need to "reinvent the wheel"? Otherwise, how to do?

Updating: Many good answers, each with its pros and cons, difficult to choose one. I decided to propose a test taking into account 3 factors:

  1. Robustness (i.e. ability to search for words whose accent is represented in more than one different way)

    'arvore',       // Latin Small Letter A,                         r,v,o,r,e
    '\xe1rvore',    // Latin Small Letter A with acute,              r,v,o,r,e
    'a\u0301rvore', // Latin Small Letter A, Combining Acute Accent, r,v,o,r,e
  2. Flexibility (can search by ignoring capitalization? can only marry the accent with another accented letter?)

                     arvore    árvore
    'arvore'          sim       não
    '\xe1rvore'       sim       sim
    'a\u0301rvore'    sim       sim
  3. Performance (requires touching the original list? how long does an operation take?)

Example in jsFiddle. I will tailor each response to this example as best I can and avail it on that basis. So we can have a canonical response.

  • 1

    Look how ugly:

  • @bfavaretto hehe is ugly, but it’s a solution! It’s not like I never had it myself done something like before... P

  • I’ve done it a thousand times. Your question deserved a more elegant answer, but I don’t know if it exists.

  • 1

    Any solution using regular expression will fall into the same inefficiency problem. No link that @dcastro mentioned there is a brief explanation about it in English. Regular expression analysis (Parsing) is O(n)... That is, the algorithm has to traverse the entire String (of size n [and n which can be a reasonably large text]) to perform the analysis. The solution is to use a character map and replace one by one. See the difference in graphics:

  • 1

    The ES6 has normalize(), discovered in this response in the OS. It gets super easy.

6 answers


As these characters have no mathematical relation at all in the table Unicode. The way I see it is to do the substitution "manually", at least using regular expression. It takes a job, but it is functional.


function replaceSpecialChars(str)
    str = str.replace(/[ÀÁÂÃÄÅ]/,"A");
    str = str.replace(/[àáâãäå]/,"a");
    str = str.replace(/[ÈÉÊË]/,"E");
    str = str.replace(/[Ç]/,"C");
    str = str.replace(/[ç]/,"c");

    // o resto

    return str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi,''); 

In the above example, the case-insensitive option does not work for regex substitution. So you have to make one for each version, lowercase and uppercase.

If you want to see an example working, go to this fiddle:

  • 3

    +1 because it is a valid answer (when the scope is limited to "accentuation" instead of "all diacritics" simple answers become viable). It will only become a problem if the input has both pre-composed characters and strings where the diacritic is separated from the letter...

  • 2

    Additional reference: the plugin for jQuery Select2 uses a similar strategy to remove diacritics, as you can see in the sources (line 101).

  • 2

    Evaluation result: this solution is robust (works both with pre-compound characters and combinators) and allows search ignoring capitalization; it just doesn’t seem feasible to marry accent only with accent; and both the original list and the search term have to be adapted, but performance is the best among the solutions already evaluated.

  • I reversed the edit, because apparently the code is not related to the original @Leonardo post.

  • Your jsfiddle is off the air.


Something involving dynamic regular expressions can sort of solve the problem. I’ve had to do something like this in my jQuery plugin but not involving accentuation.

I think something like this might help:

String.prototype.toSearch = function () {
    var chars = ['aáàãäâ', 'eéèëê', 'iíìïî', 'oóòõöô', 'uúùüû'],
        value = this;
    for (var i in chars) value = value.replace(new RegExp('[' + chars[i] + ']', 'g'), '[' + chars[i] + ']');
    return new RegExp(value);

In your case the search I think would look like this:

palavras.filter(function(value) {
    return'programação'.toSearch()) > -1;
  • 2

    +1 I see that the advantage here is not needing to modify the original list (the disadvantage is lower performance, but in most practical cases should not make much difference).

  • 1

    Evaluation result: this solution is not robust (it does not recognize matching characters); it is quite flexible (it allows searching ignoring accents or marrying accents only with accents - but I still cannot do both); and as already mentioned, it does not need to adapt the original list, but the performance of the search is slightly lower.

  • (...allows search ignoring capitalisation)


An interesting solution is to create a regular expression with the pattern you want to look for, in order to include all possible accents, so would give match at the desired value.

Code to create your pattern:

 * Cria uma RegExp que aceita qualquer palavra como string.
 * Ignora acentuação, maiúsculas e minusculas.
function criarPadrao(str) {
    // remove os meta caracteres
    str = str.replace(/([|()[{.+*?^$\\])/g,"\\$1");

    // Separa em palavras
    var words = str.split(/\s+/);

    // ordena pelo tamanho
    words.sort(function (a, b) {
        return b.length - a.length;

    // troca caracteres pelos seus compositores
    var accentReplacer = function(chr) {
        return accented[chr.toUpperCase()] || chr;
    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        words[i] = words[i].replace(/\S/g, accentReplacer);

    // junta as alternativas
    var regexp = words.join("|");
    return new RegExp(regexp, 'g');

// Lista de acentuações possíveis
var accented = {
    'A': '[Aa\xaa\xc0-\xc5\xe0-\xe5\u0100-\u0105\u01cd\u01ce\u0200-\u0203\u0226\u0227\u1d2c\u1d43\u1e00\u1e01\u1e9a\u1ea0-\u1ea3\u2090\u2100\u2101\u213b\u249c\u24b6\u24d0\u3371-\u3374\u3380-\u3384\u3388\u3389\u33a9-\u33af\u33c2\u33ca\u33df\u33ff\uff21\uff41]',
    'B': '[Bb\u1d2e\u1d47\u1e02-\u1e07\u212c\u249d\u24b7\u24d1\u3374\u3385-\u3387\u33c3\u33c8\u33d4\u33dd\uff22\uff42]',
    'C': '[Cc\xc7\xe7\u0106-\u010d\u1d9c\u2100\u2102\u2103\u2105\u2106\u212d\u216d\u217d\u249e\u24b8\u24d2\u3376\u3388\u3389\u339d\u33a0\u33a4\u33c4-\u33c7\uff23\uff43]',
    'D': '[Dd\u010e\u010f\u01c4-\u01c6\u01f1-\u01f3\u1d30\u1d48\u1e0a-\u1e13\u2145\u2146\u216e\u217e\u249f\u24b9\u24d3\u32cf\u3372\u3377-\u3379\u3397\u33ad-\u33af\u33c5\u33c8\uff24\uff44]',
    'E': '[Ee\xc8-\xcb\xe8-\xeb\u0112-\u011b\u0204-\u0207\u0228\u0229\u1d31\u1d49\u1e18-\u1e1b\u1eb8-\u1ebd\u2091\u2121\u212f\u2130\u2147\u24a0\u24ba\u24d4\u3250\u32cd\u32ce\uff25\uff45]',
    'F': '[Ff\u1da0\u1e1e\u1e1f\u2109\u2131\u213b\u24a1\u24bb\u24d5\u338a-\u338c\u3399\ufb00-\ufb04\uff26\uff46]',
    'G': '[Gg\u011c-\u0123\u01e6\u01e7\u01f4\u01f5\u1d33\u1d4d\u1e20\u1e21\u210a\u24a2\u24bc\u24d6\u32cc\u32cd\u3387\u338d-\u338f\u3393\u33ac\u33c6\u33c9\u33d2\u33ff\uff27\uff47]',
    'H': '[Hh\u0124\u0125\u021e\u021f\u02b0\u1d34\u1e22-\u1e2b\u1e96\u210b-\u210e\u24a3\u24bd\u24d7\u32cc\u3371\u3390-\u3394\u33ca\u33cb\u33d7\uff28\uff48]',
    'I': '[Ii\xcc-\xcf\xec-\xef\u0128-\u0130\u0132\u0133\u01cf\u01d0\u0208-\u020b\u1d35\u1d62\u1e2c\u1e2d\u1ec8-\u1ecb\u2071\u2110\u2111\u2139\u2148\u2160-\u2163\u2165-\u2168\u216a\u216b\u2170-\u2173\u2175-\u2178\u217a\u217b\u24a4\u24be\u24d8\u337a\u33cc\u33d5\ufb01\ufb03\uff29\uff49]',
    'J': '[Jj\u0132-\u0135\u01c7-\u01cc\u01f0\u02b2\u1d36\u2149\u24a5\u24bf\u24d9\u2c7c\uff2a\uff4a]',
    'K': '[Kk\u0136\u0137\u01e8\u01e9\u1d37\u1d4f\u1e30-\u1e35\u212a\u24a6\u24c0\u24da\u3384\u3385\u3389\u338f\u3391\u3398\u339e\u33a2\u33a6\u33aa\u33b8\u33be\u33c0\u33c6\u33cd-\u33cf\uff2b\uff4b]',
    'L': '[Ll\u0139-\u0140\u01c7-\u01c9\u02e1\u1d38\u1e36\u1e37\u1e3a-\u1e3d\u2112\u2113\u2121\u216c\u217c\u24a7\u24c1\u24db\u32cf\u3388\u3389\u33d0-\u33d3\u33d5\u33d6\u33ff\ufb02\ufb04\uff2c\uff4c]',
    'M': '[Mm\u1d39\u1d50\u1e3e-\u1e43\u2120\u2122\u2133\u216f\u217f\u24a8\u24c2\u24dc\u3377-\u3379\u3383\u3386\u338e\u3392\u3396\u3399-\u33a8\u33ab\u33b3\u33b7\u33b9\u33bd\u33bf\u33c1\u33c2\u33ce\u33d0\u33d4-\u33d6\u33d8\u33d9\u33de\u33df\uff2d\uff4d]',
    'N': '[Nn\xd1\xf1\u0143-\u0149\u01ca-\u01cc\u01f8\u01f9\u1d3a\u1e44-\u1e4b\u207f\u2115\u2116\u24a9\u24c3\u24dd\u3381\u338b\u339a\u33b1\u33b5\u33bb\u33cc\u33d1\uff2e\uff4e]',
    'O': '[Oo\xba\xd2-\xd6\xf2-\xf6\u014c-\u0151\u01a0\u01a1\u01d1\u01d2\u01ea\u01eb\u020c-\u020f\u022e\u022f\u1d3c\u1d52\u1ecc-\u1ecf\u2092\u2105\u2116\u2134\u24aa\u24c4\u24de\u3375\u33c7\u33d2\u33d6\uff2f\uff4f]',
    'P': '[Pp\u1d3e\u1d56\u1e54-\u1e57\u2119\u24ab\u24c5\u24df\u3250\u3371\u3376\u3380\u338a\u33a9-\u33ac\u33b0\u33b4\u33ba\u33cb\u33d7-\u33da\uff30\uff50]',
    'Q': '[Qq\u211a\u24ac\u24c6\u24e0\u33c3\uff31\uff51]',
    'R': '[Rr\u0154-\u0159\u0210-\u0213\u02b3\u1d3f\u1d63\u1e58-\u1e5b\u1e5e\u1e5f\u20a8\u211b-\u211d\u24ad\u24c7\u24e1\u32cd\u3374\u33ad-\u33af\u33da\u33db\uff32\uff52]',
    'S': '[Ss\u015a-\u0161\u017f\u0218\u0219\u02e2\u1e60-\u1e63\u20a8\u2101\u2120\u24ae\u24c8\u24e2\u33a7\u33a8\u33ae-\u33b3\u33db\u33dc\ufb06\uff33\uff53]',
    'T': '[Tt\u0162-\u0165\u021a\u021b\u1d40\u1d57\u1e6a-\u1e71\u1e97\u2121\u2122\u24af\u24c9\u24e3\u3250\u32cf\u3394\u33cf\ufb05\ufb06\uff34\uff54]',
    'U': '[Uu\xd9-\xdc\xf9-\xfc\u0168-\u0173\u01af\u01b0\u01d3\u01d4\u0214-\u0217\u1d41\u1d58\u1d64\u1e72-\u1e77\u1ee4-\u1ee7\u2106\u24b0\u24ca\u24e4\u3373\u337a\uff35\uff55]',
    'V': '[Vv\u1d5b\u1d65\u1e7c-\u1e7f\u2163-\u2167\u2173-\u2177\u24b1\u24cb\u24e5\u2c7d\u32ce\u3375\u33b4-\u33b9\u33dc\u33de\uff36\uff56]',
    'W': '[Ww\u0174\u0175\u02b7\u1d42\u1e80-\u1e89\u1e98\u24b2\u24cc\u24e6\u33ba-\u33bf\u33dd\uff37\uff57]',
    'X': '[Xx\u02e3\u1e8a-\u1e8d\u2093\u213b\u2168-\u216b\u2178-\u217b\u24b3\u24cd\u24e7\u33d3\uff38\uff58]',
    'Y': '[Yy\xdd\xfd\xff\u0176-\u0178\u0232\u0233\u02b8\u1e8e\u1e8f\u1e99\u1ef2-\u1ef9\u24b4\u24ce\u24e8\u33c9\uff39\uff59]',
    'Z': '[Zz\u0179-\u017e\u01f1-\u01f3\u1dbb\u1e90-\u1e95\u2124\u2128\u24b5\u24cf\u24e9\u3390-\u3394\uff3a\uff5a]'

To use is very simple, follow an example:

'coração'.match(criarPadrao('coracao')); // retorna: coração
'coraçao'.match(criarPadrao('coracao')); // retorna: coraçao
'coracao'.match(criarPadrao('coracao')); // retorna: coracao

Or in your case:

buscar(palavras, criarPadrao('programacao');

Where to look is something like:

function buscar(palavras, palavraChave) {
    return palavras.find(function (palavra) { 
        return !!palavra.match(criarPadrao(palavraChave));

Do not forget that the "wordChave" should not contain accent, so that it seeks all possible accent types of the desired letter.

  • 'Do not forget that the "wordChave" should not contain accent' is, this solves half of the problem, but the ideal is that the search term could be accentuated as well... The other answers are simpler, but they don’t have that limitation. P.S. Do you happen to have the origin of these codes that you posted? Could post here?

  • 1

    It has been a while since I found this code on the net, I use in some projects here, if you put accent on the keyword, it will restrict to the accent used. But to remove this "limitation" if you want, is that usually if the person puts the accent, she is looking for a match with that specific accent.

  • 1

    I never thought from this angle... I mean it’s not a "bug", it’s a "Feature" hehe. + 1

  • 1

    Evaluation result: this solution is not robust (does not recognize matching characters); in the way it is is not flexible (just ignores upper/lower case and home accent with accent, no simple means of customization); no need to modify the original list, and performance is between Leonardo and Diego’s solutions.


Removing the accent is part of bigger problem (or should be).

In the case of purely search, I strongly suggest using some mechanism for "Full Text Search". These mechanisms have sophisticated systems for parsing and indexing text. A famous open source search system is Apache Solr.

A simple example of configuring a Solr fieldType.

<fieldType name="text_keyword" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
   <!-- cria token utlizando espaços em branco -->
   <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>

    <!-- palavras transformadas para caixa baixa -->
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

    <!-- remove palavras sem valor semantico. ex: preposicoes -->
    <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"/>

    <!-- extrai o radical das palavras -->
    <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>

    <!-- esse filtro remove os acentos --!>
    <filter class="solr.ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory"/>


(you can also try using Lucene which is the indexing engine under Solr directly in a database, but then the solution is even more complicated)

The list of features is quite extensive. For example, Solr can use ternary search trees to search for suggestions (Spell checking), sort items by relevance, adjust the relevance function based on the proximity of the terms in the text or in arbitrary fields, etc. Finally, it is a more appropriate system, complete and efficient search.

If you want to, implement a suggestion system on the client side you can and should adapt the text transformation system @dcastro presented. You can even use the chain of responsibility to perform the transformations you want. Ex:

// ... <= inicializacao do mapa diacritico
function letterFilter (str, chain) {
    var letras = str.split("");
    var newStr = "";
    for(var i=0; i< letras.length; i++) {
        var x = letras[i];
        for(var i=0; i < chain.length; i++){
               x = chain[i](x);
        newStr += x;
    return newStr;

function removeDiacritic(letter){
    letter in mapaDiacriticos ? mapaDiacriticos[letter] : letter;

function lowerCase(letter){
    reutnr letter.toLowerCase();

// simula o sistema de busca de palavras do TextMate 
function starCase(letter){
    return letter + "*";

var fs = [removeDiacritic, lowerCase,  starCase];
  • 2

    +1 By suggesting to use the chain of responsibility, it is especially useful in terms of flexibility (as asked in the question). At the moment I am still divided between the answers, because most always have a counter (i.e. the robust ones are inflexible, the flexible ones are not robust). And I agree that in general the ideal is to even pass the responsibility to the server, but in some cases this is not feasible/possible (e.g., when using client-side encryption); in others, some client processing can help ease the load on the server - even if it does the rest.

  • I think you might reconsider the encoding question mentioned in the robustness part. Why? Well, I see two possible scenarios: 1- user data input_ in this case the text is already Unicode and you can process it normally (e.g., "letter" by "letter"). 2 - text saved somewhere that needs to be compared to user input. _ you can read the text and already perform Decoding. If the text is too large to fit in memory then you should pre-process it. . =)

  • 1

    The problem is not encoding, and yes of normalization.

  • Exactly. They are two different problems. 1) Problem is to read the file and turn the text into a Unicode representation in memory. 2) Remove accents from this representation. A normalization mechanism that addresses the encoding problem would be "hurting" the separation of responsibilities.

  • What I mean is that when I spoke of robustness, I meant normalization, not encoding. Perhaps my example is unclear: \xe1rvore (or \u00e1rvore) uses the pre-composite character "Latin Small Letter A with Acute", while a\u0301rvore uses "Latin Small Letter A" followed by "Combining Accute Accent". No difference in encoding.

  • You are absolutely correct. It is a very reasonable problem because mapping letter by letter does not work in UTF-16 for example.

  • Your observation is valid, but the hole is lower: I’m not talking about "Surrogate Pairs", they only apply to characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plan (BMP) (and accents in their various forms are still part of it, i.e. they spend only one code Unit in UTF-16). The topic of Unicode Normalization is new to me, but this is a problem that arises even its encoding allows to "map letter by letter" (such as UTF-32).

Show 2 more comments


The accented letters are called diacritics. Here is a complete algorithm that searches and removes all diacritics (from various languages) of a string, keeping uppercase/minuscule letters:

var mapaDefault = [
    {'base':'A', 'letras':'\u0041\u24B6\uFF21\u00C0\u00C1\u00C2\u1EA6\u1EA4\u1EAA\u1EA8\u00C3\u0100\u0102\u1EB0\u1EAE\u1EB4\u1EB2\u0226\u01E0\u00C4\u01DE\u1EA2\u00C5\u01FA\u01CD\u0200\u0202\u1EA0\u1EAC\u1EB6\u1E00\u0104\u023A\u2C6F'},
    {'base':'B', 'letras':'\u0042\u24B7\uFF22\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u0243\u0182\u0181'},
    {'base':'C', 'letras':'\u0043\u24B8\uFF23\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u00C7\u1E08\u0187\u023B\uA73E'},
    {'base':'D', 'letras':'\u0044\u24B9\uFF24\u1E0A\u010E\u1E0C\u1E10\u1E12\u1E0E\u0110\u018B\u018A\u0189\uA779'},
    {'base':'E', 'letras':'\u0045\u24BA\uFF25\u00C8\u00C9\u00CA\u1EC0\u1EBE\u1EC4\u1EC2\u1EBC\u0112\u1E14\u1E16\u0114\u0116\u00CB\u1EBA\u011A\u0204\u0206\u1EB8\u1EC6\u0228\u1E1C\u0118\u1E18\u1E1A\u0190\u018E'},
    {'base':'F', 'letras':'\u0046\u24BB\uFF26\u1E1E\u0191\uA77B'},
    {'base':'G', 'letras':'\u0047\u24BC\uFF27\u01F4\u011C\u1E20\u011E\u0120\u01E6\u0122\u01E4\u0193\uA7A0\uA77D\uA77E'},
    {'base':'H', 'letras':'\u0048\u24BD\uFF28\u0124\u1E22\u1E26\u021E\u1E24\u1E28\u1E2A\u0126\u2C67\u2C75\uA78D'},
    {'base':'I', 'letras':'\u0049\u24BE\uFF29\u00CC\u00CD\u00CE\u0128\u012A\u012C\u0130\u00CF\u1E2E\u1EC8\u01CF\u0208\u020A\u1ECA\u012E\u1E2C\u0197'},
    {'base':'J', 'letras':'\u004A\u24BF\uFF2A\u0134\u0248'},
    {'base':'K', 'letras':'\u004B\u24C0\uFF2B\u1E30\u01E8\u1E32\u0136\u1E34\u0198\u2C69\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA7A2'},
    {'base':'L', 'letras':'\u004C\u24C1\uFF2C\u013F\u0139\u013D\u1E36\u1E38\u013B\u1E3C\u1E3A\u0141\u023D\u2C62\u2C60\uA748\uA746\uA780'},
    {'base':'M', 'letras':'\u004D\u24C2\uFF2D\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u2C6E\u019C'},
    {'base':'N', 'letras':'\u004E\u24C3\uFF2E\u01F8\u0143\u00D1\u1E44\u0147\u1E46\u0145\u1E4A\u1E48\u0220\u019D\uA790\uA7A4'},
    {'base':'O', 'letras':'\u004F\u24C4\uFF2F\u00D2\u00D3\u00D4\u1ED2\u1ED0\u1ED6\u1ED4\u00D5\u1E4C\u022C\u1E4E\u014C\u1E50\u1E52\u014E\u022E\u0230\u00D6\u022A\u1ECE\u0150\u01D1\u020C\u020E\u01A0\u1EDC\u1EDA\u1EE0\u1EDE\u1EE2\u1ECC\u1ED8\u01EA\u01EC\u00D8\u01FE\u0186\u019F\uA74A\uA74C'},
    {'base':'P', 'letras':'\u0050\u24C5\uFF30\u1E54\u1E56\u01A4\u2C63\uA750\uA752\uA754'},
    {'base':'Q', 'letras':'\u0051\u24C6\uFF31\uA756\uA758\u024A'},
    {'base':'R', 'letras':'\u0052\u24C7\uFF32\u0154\u1E58\u0158\u0210\u0212\u1E5A\u1E5C\u0156\u1E5E\u024C\u2C64\uA75A\uA7A6\uA782'},
    {'base':'S', 'letras':'\u0053\u24C8\uFF33\u1E9E\u015A\u1E64\u015C\u1E60\u0160\u1E66\u1E62\u1E68\u0218\u015E\u2C7E\uA7A8\uA784'},
    {'base':'T', 'letras':'\u0054\u24C9\uFF34\u1E6A\u0164\u1E6C\u021A\u0162\u1E70\u1E6E\u0166\u01AC\u01AE\u023E\uA786'},
    {'base':'U', 'letras':'\u0055\u24CA\uFF35\u00D9\u00DA\u00DB\u0168\u1E78\u016A\u1E7A\u016C\u00DC\u01DB\u01D7\u01D5\u01D9\u1EE6\u016E\u0170\u01D3\u0214\u0216\u01AF\u1EEA\u1EE8\u1EEE\u1EEC\u1EF0\u1EE4\u1E72\u0172\u1E76\u1E74\u0244'},
    {'base':'V', 'letras':'\u0056\u24CB\uFF36\u1E7C\u1E7E\u01B2\uA75E\u0245'},
    {'base':'W', 'letras':'\u0057\u24CC\uFF37\u1E80\u1E82\u0174\u1E86\u1E84\u1E88\u2C72'},
    {'base':'X', 'letras':'\u0058\u24CD\uFF38\u1E8A\u1E8C'},
    {'base':'Y', 'letras':'\u0059\u24CE\uFF39\u1EF2\u00DD\u0176\u1EF8\u0232\u1E8E\u0178\u1EF6\u1EF4\u01B3\u024E\u1EFE'},
    {'base':'Z', 'letras':'\u005A\u24CF\uFF3A\u0179\u1E90\u017B\u017D\u1E92\u1E94\u01B5\u0224\u2C7F\u2C6B\uA762'},
    {'base':'a', 'letras':'\u0061\u24D0\uFF41\u1E9A\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u1EA7\u1EA5\u1EAB\u1EA9\u00E3\u0101\u0103\u1EB1\u1EAF\u1EB5\u1EB3\u0227\u01E1\u00E4\u01DF\u1EA3\u00E5\u01FB\u01CE\u0201\u0203\u1EA1\u1EAD\u1EB7\u1E01\u0105\u2C65\u0250'},
    {'base':'b', 'letras':'\u0062\u24D1\uFF42\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u0180\u0183\u0253'},
    {'base':'c', 'letras':'\u0063\u24D2\uFF43\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u00E7\u1E09\u0188\u023C\uA73F\u2184'},
    {'base':'d', 'letras':'\u0064\u24D3\uFF44\u1E0B\u010F\u1E0D\u1E11\u1E13\u1E0F\u0111\u018C\u0256\u0257\uA77A'},
    {'base':'e', 'letras':'\u0065\u24D4\uFF45\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u1EC1\u1EBF\u1EC5\u1EC3\u1EBD\u0113\u1E15\u1E17\u0115\u0117\u00EB\u1EBB\u011B\u0205\u0207\u1EB9\u1EC7\u0229\u1E1D\u0119\u1E19\u1E1B\u0247\u025B\u01DD'},
    {'base':'f', 'letras':'\u0066\u24D5\uFF46\u1E1F\u0192\uA77C'},
    {'base':'g', 'letras':'\u0067\u24D6\uFF47\u01F5\u011D\u1E21\u011F\u0121\u01E7\u0123\u01E5\u0260\uA7A1\u1D79\uA77F'},
    {'base':'h', 'letras':'\u0068\u24D7\uFF48\u0125\u1E23\u1E27\u021F\u1E25\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E96\u0127\u2C68\u2C76\u0265'},
    {'base':'i', 'letras':'\u0069\u24D8\uFF49\u00EC\u00ED\u00EE\u0129\u012B\u012D\u00EF\u1E2F\u1EC9\u01D0\u0209\u020B\u1ECB\u012F\u1E2D\u0268\u0131'},
    {'base':'j', 'letras':'\u006A\u24D9\uFF4A\u0135\u01F0\u0249'},
    {'base':'k', 'letras':'\u006B\u24DA\uFF4B\u1E31\u01E9\u1E33\u0137\u1E35\u0199\u2C6A\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA7A3'},
    {'base':'l', 'letras':'\u006C\u24DB\uFF4C\u0140\u013A\u013E\u1E37\u1E39\u013C\u1E3D\u1E3B\u017F\u0142\u019A\u026B\u2C61\uA749\uA781\uA747'},
    {'base':'m', 'letras':'\u006D\u24DC\uFF4D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u0271\u026F'},
    {'base':'n', 'letras':'\u006E\u24DD\uFF4E\u01F9\u0144\u00F1\u1E45\u0148\u1E47\u0146\u1E4B\u1E49\u019E\u0272\u0149\uA791\uA7A5'},
    {'base':'o', 'letras':'\u006F\u24DE\uFF4F\u00F2\u00F3\u00F4\u1ED3\u1ED1\u1ED7\u1ED5\u00F5\u1E4D\u022D\u1E4F\u014D\u1E51\u1E53\u014F\u022F\u0231\u00F6\u022B\u1ECF\u0151\u01D2\u020D\u020F\u01A1\u1EDD\u1EDB\u1EE1\u1EDF\u1EE3\u1ECD\u1ED9\u01EB\u01ED\u00F8\u01FF\u0254\uA74B\uA74D\u0275'},
    {'base':'u','letras': '\u0075\u24E4\uFF55\u00F9\u00FA\u00FB\u0169\u1E79\u016B\u1E7B\u016D\u00FC\u01DC\u01D8\u01D6\u01DA\u1EE7\u016F\u0171\u01D4\u0215\u0217\u01B0\u1EEB\u1EE9\u1EEF\u1EED\u1EF1\u1EE5\u1E73\u0173\u1E77\u1E75\u0289'},

var mapaDiacriticos = {};
for (var i=0; i < mapaDefault.length; i++){
    var letras = mapaDefault[i].letras.split("");
    for (var j=0; j < letras.length ; j++){
        mapaDiacriticos[letras[j]] = mapaDefault[i].base;

function removeDiacriticos (str) {
    var letras = str.split("");
    var newStr = "";
    for(var i=0; i< letras.length; i++) {
        newStr += letras[i] in mapaDiacriticos ? mapaDiacriticos[letras[i]] : letras[i];
    return newStr;

Source: Javascript : remove Accents in strings

  • 1

    Evaluation result: this solution is not robust (does not recognize matching characters); allows searching ignoring capitalization, but it does not seem feasible to marry accent only with accent; both the original list and the search term need to be adapted, and the performance is between the solutions of Leonardo and Gabriel.


You can create a "Slug" from the string and after that do a search, as the code below

String.prototype.toSlug = function(){
    str = this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // trim
    str = str.toLowerCase();

    // remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc
    var from = "ãàáäâèéëêìíïîõòóöôùúüûñç·/_,:;";
    var to   = "aaaaaeeeeiiiiooooouuuunc------";
    for (var i=0, l=from.length ; i<l ; i++) {
        str = str.replace(new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g'), to.charAt(i));

    str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/-+/g, '-');

    return str;

String.prototype.toSearch = function(query) {
    var str = this.toSlug();

    return this.toSlug().search(new RegExp(query.toLowerCase(), 'i'));

var str = 'São Paulo';
$('#search').click(function() {

Follow an example

  • 1

    Evaluation result: this solution is robust (it works with both pre-composite characters and combinators); in the way it is is not flexible (always seeks ignoring capitalization; it just does not seem feasible to marry accent only with accent); both the original list and the search term have to be adapted; the performance of the preparation of the list is low, but the search is the second highest among the evaluated solutions.

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