Add and Remove Fields with Javascript


Viewed 10,604 times


I need the user to add the same fields as many times as he wants, and also remove them. I was able to script to add the fields, but remove is not working.


<a href="#" data-id="1" id="adicionarCampo">+ adicionar campo</a>
<form method="POST" action="gerarpdf.php" target="_blank">
    <div id="formulario">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Nº do Documento" maxlength="6" name="numeroDocumento" required/>
        <select name="tipoDocumento" required>
            <option value="" disabled selected>Tipo do Documento</option>
            <option value="01">Volvo</option>
            <option value="02">Saab</option>
        <select name="subTipoDocumento" required>
            <option value="" disabled selected>Subtipo do Documento</option>
            <option value="01">Volvo</option>
            <option value="02">Saab</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Gerar Código"/>


$(function() {
        var divContent = $('#formulario');
        var botaoAdicionar = $('a[data-id="1"]');
        var i = 1;

        //Ao clicar em adicionar ele cria uma linha com novos campos
        $(botaoAdicionar).click(function() {
                $('<div class="conteudoIndividual"><input type="text" placeholder="Nº do Documento" maxlength="6" name="numeroDocumento'+i+'" required/><select name="tipoDocumento'+i+'" required><option value="" disabled selected>Tipo do Documento</option><option value="01">Volvo</option><option value="02">Saab</option></select><select name="subTipoDocumento'+i+'" required><option value="" disabled selected>Subtipo do Documento</option><option value="01">Volvo</option><option value="02">Saab</option></select><a href="#" id="linkRemover">- Remover Campos</a></div>').appendTo(divContent);
                $('<input type="hidden" name="quantidadeCampos" value="'+i+'" id="removehidden">').appendTo(divContent);

        //Cliquando em remover a linha é eliminada
        $('#linkRemover').live('click', function() { 

What does he do

When I click on the adicionar it creates all 3 fields within a div .conteudoIndividual, created a field hidden to control that amount of lines.

2 answers


You are using duplicate Ids. The problem is probably with the ID linkRemover.
Ids must be unique, so you should use classes instead of Ids.


Change html to be inserted from :

<a href="#" id="linkRemover">


<a href="#" class="linkRemover">

And in jQuery/Javascript:

    $('#linkRemover').live('click', function() { 


    $('.linkRemover').live('click', function() { 

Your second problem is that you have a selector for elementes that do not yet exist, you will have to delegate the event.

Use like this:

$('#formulario').on('click', '.linkRemover', function() {  // para versão acima do 1.7
$('#formulario').delegate('click', '.linkRemover', function() {  // para versão acima do 1.4



I modified your implementation a little to set the event to remove the div as soon as the line is created.

$(function() {
    var divContent = $('#formulario');
    var botaoAdicionar = $('a[data-id="1"]');
    var i = 1;

    //Ao clicar em adicionar ele cria uma linha com novos campos
    $(botaoAdicionar).click(function() {
        //criando instancia dom .conte4udoIndividual
        var linha = $('<div class="conteudoIndividual"><input type="text" placeholder="Nº do Documento" maxlength="6" name="numeroDocumento' + i + '" required/><select name="tipoDocumento' + i + '" required><option value="" disabled selected>Tipo do Documento</option><option value="01">Volvo</option><option value="02">Saab</option></select><select name="subTipoDocumento' + i + '" required><option value="" disabled selected>Subtipo do Documento</option><option value="01">Volvo</option><option value="02">Saab</option></select><a href="#" id="linkRemover">- Remover Campos</a></div>').appendTo(divContent);
        $('<input type="hidden" name="quantidadeCampos" value="' + i + '" id="removehidden">').appendTo(divContent);

        //recuperando instancia #linkRemover e adicionando evento 
        linha.find("a").on("click", function() {

Example in jsfiddle

  • @Sergio Bom, this I have already changed to class. Well, but I understand, choose this as an answer and have something wrong like this.

  • @Tuyoshivinicius also thank you for your help :).

  • +1 so have another version of how to solve the problem.

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