How to change Modal content?


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Hello, I have three buttons and need to change the content of the modal depending on the button clicked, follows below the code of the buttons.

<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal1">Faça o seu Anuncio</button>

<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal2">Faça o seu Anuncio</button>

<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal3">Faça o seu Anuncio</button>

If I click on the Advertise button and then on the modal of the question I click yes I will be directed to the login modal I click on login should show the modal of the advertisement in which the user clicked on the card.

  • Where the content of each modal comes from?

  • from the same page where the buttons are

  • Well, if each button has one target different, automatically is called 3 different modal, it is not only change your content?

  • But the contents are in a specific div of each one? Why not put it directly by PHP?

  • Yeah, but I don’t work.

  • It would have to be with Javascript.

  • Did I add the code to make it better? The last modal (after the login and registration modal) should be inserted (advertisement modal) depending on the button clicked on the card

  • The latest modal is not the registration? Just put in the button the id of the modal you want to open. Sorry but it’s still not clear what you want to do.

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1 answer


From what I understood by the flow that you went through when clicking on "enter" the user would be redirected to the modal of the ad that he previously selected. Meanwhile the login button is pointing to the data-target="#exampleModal1", and there is no modal with this id in html.

I would give you the suggestion to save with javascript the type of ad he chose by creating a Hidden element on the page. e.g. you would add a <input hidden id="anuncio-usuario" value=""> straight into html. Don’t forget to add an id to the car ad button. Then you can change the value of that Hidden according to the clicked ad.

$('#anuncio-automoveis').on('click', function (e) {
    //altera o valor do hidden

Then you can add an id to the login button, and a javascript click event:

$('#bt-entrar').on('click', function (e) {
    var anuncio = $('#anuncio-usuario').val();

    if (anuncio == 'automoveis') {

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