Return selected object in datagridview


Viewed 481 times


I have the following parameterization of my datagridview:

    List<ModelAluno> alunos;
    ModelAluno aluno = new ModelAluno();

    public PesquisaAluno(List<ModelAluno> alunos)
        this.alunos = alunos;


    private void PesquisaAluno_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        foreach (var aluno in alunos)
            dg.Rows.Add(aluno.Nome, aluno.Cpf, aluno.Matricula.IdCurso);

    private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)


    private void ConfiguraDataGrid()
        dg.Columns.Add("dg_Nome", "Nome");
        dg.Columns.Add("dg_Cpf", "CPF");
        dg.Columns.Add("dg_Curso", "Curso");
        dg.ReadOnly = true;
        dg.AllowUserToAddRows = false;

        foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dg.Columns)
            if (column.DataPropertyName == "Nome")
                column.Width = 300; //tamanho fixo da primeira coluna

            column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;


In this case, I am receiving a list of students from another form and present in my datagridview only the fields I want (name, Cpf and idcurso).

In the Cellcontentclick method I need to return the selected student to my previous form, but I cannot return only these three fields, I need to return the mounted object (which is initially retrieved in a SQL Server query and is already stored in the received list in datagridview)

How do I return the entire object? Also, how do I, when pressing enter, I select the object I want and present in the textbox of the previous form?

  • Just don’t do: dg.DataSource = alunos; ?

  • The datasource will fill in fields that I don’t want to present in datagridview, so I opted for manual column selection

  • define dg.AutoGenerateColuns = false; add the columns you want manually (as you already did) and just set the DataPropertyName (as you have already done)

  • Right, and how can I recover the object mounted by datasource? It’s my first project with datagridview and I’m having some difficulty

  • could be something like ModelAluno obj = alunos[dg.SelectedRows[0].Index]; but it also has other forms

  • I guess I didn’t quite understand... using the datasouce and the dg.AutoGenerateColuns = false;, datagridview shows the columns I parameterized, but no data inside. I could not set the value of these rows based on DataPropertyName. How would that be?

  • DataPropertyName has to be equal to the name of the property (Name, Cpf, Matricula.Idcurso) etc... then just put the List as source

  • column.Datapropertyname = "Name"; column.Datapropertyname = "CPF"; column.Datapropertyname = "Stroke"; Would that be about right? Inside the foreach?

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1 answer


Changing a little if DataGridView:

List<ModelAluno> alunos;
ModelAluno aluno = new ModelAluno();

public PesquisaAluno(List<ModelAluno> _alunos)
    this.alunos = _alunos;

private void PesquisaAluno_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    dg.DataSource = this.alunos;

private void ConfiguraDataGrid()
    //Essa parte você pode fazer pelo design do visual studio

    dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "Nome", Name = "columnName", DataPropertyName = "Nome" });

    dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "CPF", Name = "columnCpf", DataPropertyName = "Cpf" });

    dg.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() { HeaderText = "Curso", Name = "columnCurso", DataPropertyName = "Matricula.IdCurso" });

    dg.ReadOnly = true;
    dg.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
    dg.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

Double click event:

private void dg_CellMouseDoubleClick(object sender, CellMouseEventArgs e)
    aluno = alunos[e.RowIndex]; //o aluno que vocÊ clicou foi esse
  • Thanks for the help, friend! One more question: In this case, the object is being mounted correctly by clicking on the cell. However, could I mount this object by pressing ENTER as well? From what I saw, the Keydown event does not have the Rowindex property for me to set.

  • 1

    in the case of enter, take the first line that is selected: dg.SelectedRows[0].Index but check if there are lines selected before: if (dg.SelectedRows.Count > 0)

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