Good let’s see that the Language L accepts following the premise:

- so we have that the only characters present in the language are a,b,c d,
- all possible words that can be formed by these characters
But there’s a rule :
p does not contains subsequence bbab
- Namely the word cannot contain the sequence bbab
Both state machines and regular grammar are correct, however when you mount the REGEX you can keep in mind that just giving match in bbab
already makes the sequence invalid.

Using the Jflap I assembled the finite automaton in which we can analyze it better

Regular Grammar
If the language you are using already has the alternatives look-Ahead, a validation by REGEX becomes simple.
- will accept only the characters involved
- is in any part of the current sentence bbab
will refuse the match.
See more in debug
Now that you’re riding in pure REGEX, which you don’t own look-Ahead it becomes a little complex to assemble the regex, because the process is based on acceptance and not denial or your sentence should start and go beating all possible states until you reach the end of the sentence, if any state is not fulfilled then does not generate match.
Following the REGEX proposal for @Miguel:
This is based on giving match positive if based on start(^
) and end($
) of the sentence.
- Is it true that regex is computationally equivalent to regular grammars? Or regular grammars is a superset of their own?
In fact they are related, because they can be generated by an AFD (Toutopian Fbeginnings Deterministic), however, as you can see in the image below, they do not have a direct relation.

Source : Regular Expressions and Regular Grammars
If you have an ER or GR and convert to Afε - which is not too complicated since the ε
(empty motion) lets you jump from one transition to another without problems - doesn’t mean you’ll be able to complete the other conversions AFε -> AFN -> AFD
since at each step you are restricting rules and depending on the complexity it will not be possible to perform the conversion.
In some sources I found it is said that REGEX is based on RLG (Grheumatic Linear a Direita(Right)) or LLG (Grheumatic Linear a Esquerda (LEft)), usually RLG. link
But in fact it is implicit, as these conversions will be possible.
- What algorithm can I use to turn my AFD into regex?
First of all convert it to an SMR, and after applying this rule :

Original : Steps to Convert regular Expressions directly to regular grammars and vice versa
- What is the regular expression (mathematically speaking) you recognize
I’m gonna owe you.
Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata
@Guilhermelautert AFD: deterministic finite automaton
– Jefferson Quesado
@Guilhermelautert contain
must return false, so grammar cannot produce this subpalavra at all. Look at the state machine which, when that word is produced, goes in the state beyond salvationdamnation
, from which I could not go to a state of acceptance– Jefferson Quesado
@Guilhermelautert I may have made a mistake in AFD or grammar, but it was my attempt =] I can revise it again, but I don’t think I’ll be able to find my mistake myself if I did
– Jefferson Quesado
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– Guilherme Lautert
If the input is infinite there will never be an end, and the only alternative is eventually to fail. If the input is finite, any state at the end of the input must go to the acceptance.
– Miguel Angelo
ends in state of acceptance– Jefferson Quesado
I didn’t understand. I was referring to the state machine... type, any state when reading $ (input order) goes to the accepting state.
– Miguel Angelo
In the last part of the machine, in the
, because you’re going back to the beginning by reading[^a]
? Shouldn’t be[^b]
?– Miguel Angelo
@Miguelangelo yes, in this case, AFD modeling did not use the end of the line
, but if it had that mark the statesq0
would go to the state of acceptance after reading$
– Jefferson Quesado
@Miguelangelo typo, I will correct the picture as soon as I have access to a computer
– Jefferson Quesado
I managed to get that expression from your AFD:
... is the best I could do! = D– Miguel Angelo
@Miguelangelo I imagined that it would be really great, I will analyze with affection =]
– Jefferson Quesado
But a general algorithm, I couldn’t say, because I had to use
to save me. It’s like a Goto das regex, I couldn’t find another way to suddenly end the loop created by the operator*
.– Miguel Angelo
Beautiful float, that sinister question. + 1 just because I didn’t understand, rs!
– Marconi