How do Python decorators work?


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The @Elizeu Santos asked in the group Python in facebook Portuguese the following:

"Talk guys, I’m studying python and something I don’t understand are the decorators. I faced them making the flask Tuto, can enlighten me?"

(Facebook is not cool to answer questions that include Portuguese and code mixed in the comments - here is much better formatted for this - so I brought the question here, to paste the answer I wrote for him)

1 answer


A Python function is an object like any other - when we do def func(): ..., the name func is associated with the body of the function that is defined after the command def.

A Decorator is a function (or other calling object) that takes a function as a parameter and returns a function. This new function is returned by Decorator is associated with the original function name.

That is, suppose a Decorator deco, if used with the syntax of @ does exactly the same as this:

def func():
   # faz coisas
func = deco(func)

That piece of code is the same as:

def func():
   #faz coisas

In both cases, after this code snippet, the name func is associated with the object that was returned by calling the function deco. In general this object is a function that calls the function func original, but does something before or after calling it.

For example, a decorator who simply records how many times the functions he decorates have been called, in a global variable contador can be declared as such:

contador = 0

def contar_acessos(funcao_decorada):
    # não sabemos quantos parâmetros existirão na chamada
    # da função funcao_decorada, então recebemos *args e **kw
    def nova_func(*args, **kw):
         global contador
         contador += 1
         # e chamamos a função original, com os parâmetros recebidos:
         return funcao_decorada(*args, **kw)
    # retornamos a função "nova_func" - que só faz 
    # incrementar o contador e  retornar o valor da chamada à função original
    return nova_func

# agora vamos usar o decorador:
def soma(a, b):
    return a + b

And when we paste that code into the interactive interpreter and call soma sometimes, we have:

>>> contador
>>> soma(2,2)
>>> soma(3,2)
>>> soma("a", "b")
>>> contador

Then, in this simple case, all that is done is to increase the value of the counter variable before calling the same function that was decorated (and that within the function nova_funcao is under the name of funcao_decorada since it is passed as parameter to the outside function, the contar_acessos).

But you can sophisticate the thing - you can create a function that stores the return value of the decorated function in a dictionary, for example, then you make a simple cache (memoize). One can simply register the decorated function in a list of "functions that do something", and return it itself, without creating a new decorator function. I believe that’s what Flask does - notes its decorated function as a function that responds to an address in the URL.

  • I liked the initiative. As much as I know what are the decorators in Python, I always have to train and reread, not to get confused

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