What is von Neumann’s architecture?


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How it works and why it has become the dominant computer model?

  • I know that the architecture proposed pro it consists of memory, ALU and CPU, but only this rsrs. Good question!

  • https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arquitetura_de_von_Neumann

2 answers


It’s not very secret about it, it’s not something complex, it’s the basics of everything we do in any computational activity, and it’s just been formalized that that’s how the computer should operate. It defines that:

  • there is a data entry
  • a unit that processes this data
  • and causes a data output
  • the processor can store data temporarily in a memory where pure instructions and data remain

The entry and exit can count on several forms. As can be seen in wikipedia image:

Arquitetura Von Newmann

I believe it has become dominant because it was one of the first, it is simple and intuitive, it makes a lot of sense and it takes good care of all the problems. Maybe also because it doesn’t define many details which would make it obsolete fast.

Other architectures can opt for a slightly different organization, for example separate the instruction and data memory, can treat input and output as something different, can make the control treatment and calculations totally separate.

  • In short: can I say that it is the architecture of a computer? Or am I talking nonsense?

  • 2

    It is the one that everyone adopts today. We could be using this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_architecture


To summarize the subject the architecture is basically this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In which it is characterized in:

  • Input and output systems;
  • Main Memory; and
  • CPU(Processing/Processor);

The main memory functions as a cabinet in which it holds information, both in its own memory and new ones arriving from the input and output systems. The CPU is in charge of working (making calculations) with all this information, exchanging data with the main memory, and at the end if necessary show them in the output systems.

I think it is the most used because it is a simple system, very functional and well defined. If I’m not mistaken, other areas of computing work with slightly different architectures, but it’s a great reference.

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