Make calculations based on PHP or Mysql averages


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A friend created a project in Arduino that monitors power consumption in Kw/h. It every 5 minutes inserts the consumption information in the Mysql database.

Every five records I need to average them, and then take the average and multiply by 15.

I can do this in both PHP and Mysql, someone could give me a hint of how to make a listing with all the averages of 5 in 5?

  • 1

    This should be used to calculate the average of the last 5 readings. SELECT AVG( consumo ) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5 - Now, what’s the point of making the average to multiply? Add it all up and multiply by three, it’s the same.

  • Good evening @Bacco I did,plus he’s bringing the average only 5,what I need is for it to give me an average every 5.

  • @Bacco Follow select: SELECT AVG(Consumption)AS CONSUMPTION FROM Reading ORDER BY Id DESC LIMIT 5

  • 2

    Do you want a listing with all the averages of 5 out of 5? it would be nice to edit the question and make it clearer if that’s it. The solution would be to add something like a GROUP BY INT(id / 5)

2 answers


To get a listing with averages multiplied by 15:

SELECT AVG( consumo ) * 15 AS media_consumo
   FROM leitura
   GROUP BY FLOOR( ( id - 1 ) / 5 )
   ORDER BY id

See working on SQL Fiddle.

Of curiosity, the average x 15 is the same as the sum multiplied by 3:

SELECT SUM( consumo ) * 3

See working on SQL Fiddle.

Note: this type of grouping only makes sense if the ids are continuous.

  • I just tested it now, sorry for the delay in returning. It gave the following error: SQL Execution error #1064. Response from the database. You have an error in your SQL syntax. ; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY FLOOR ((id-1)/5)'at line 4 ... returned this message.

  • thus also did not give: GROUP BY INT(id / 5) , observation,I already changed the question.

  • @Sucker There was a typo here in the answer, but the demonstration in Sqlfiddle was correct, did you see? Anyway, I now corrected from here. The ORDER position was wrong in the answer.

  • And I didn’t even notice, I hesitated, I’m sorry. That’s exactly what I needed, thanks for the help. Hugging.

  • @Otáciobarbosa does not promise, but if you give a little time later, I put a PHP version as an example. It’s quite simple to do, but I don’t like to publish without testing (testing I already screw up sometimes kkk)

  • By the way, just a curiosity, what would be the reason to multiply by 15? It would not be by 12, to give the value per hour? 60 / 5 = 2.4 and 2.4 * 5 = 12. If it is to calculate per hour, it would be the sum of the 5 multiplied by 2.4 (or the average by 12).

  • 1

    I received the information that Cemig calculates every 15 minutes,doing the calculation 15 I can see the expense and try to base on a spent energy value,thus being able to detail a monitoring panel.

  • @Otáciobarbosa try to make a general average too, maybe it is simpler and more accurate. I think if I was to calculate every fifteen, I would just take groups of 3 instead of 5. But I could be talking nonsense, since I don’t know details...

  • @Bacoo sure, I will do all the tests and then I return as was.

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The average calculation is basically the sum of the elements divided by the number of elements.

Example of average calculation: (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 4 = 2,5.

In this sense, in PHP, you can do so:

function myCalc($data = [], $param = 15) {
     return (array_sum($data) / count($data)) * $param;

And in the SQL query:

select (SUM(campo_numerico) / COUNT(campo_numerico)) * 15) AS calculo  from TABELA order by ID desc LIMIT 5;


select (AVG(campo_numerico) * 15) as calculo from TABELA order by ID desc LIMIT 5;
  • Good morning, So it worked the media yes,more I need it to be like @Bacco said to show all the media of db,ie a list of media. Example: the database has 1000 records, every 5 records it will calculate the average,e me lsitas all the averages. In the case of 1000 records it would return me 200 averages.

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