How do you calculate (easily) total and subtotal in Django?


Viewed 804 times


I’m wearing Django 1.7.8

I have the

class SaleDetail(models.Model):
    quantity = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('quantidade'))
    price_sale = models.DecimalField(

    def get_subtotal(self):
        return self.price_sale * self.quantity

    subtotal = property(get_subtotal)

./ shell

>>> from vendas_project.vendas.models import SaleDetail
>>> from django.db.models import Sum, F, FloatField
>>> q = SaleDetail.objects.values('price_sale', 'quantity').filter(sale=1)
>>> q.aggregate(Sum(F('price_sale') * F('quantity')), output_field=FloatField())

Generates the error:

field_list = aggregate.lookup.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
    'ExpressionNode' object has no attribute 'split'

How you calculate subtotals and total in Django?

I need the result, example:

price_sale quantity subtotal

10.50      2        21.00

9.55       3        28.65

total = 49.65
  • That’s what you want is available on Django 1.8, but not in 1.7 or earlier. More than two years ago I had a similar problem (in the sense of having the same root cause), and posted that question on Soen, not yet answered. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any 1.8 pre-solution that doesn’t involve using extra (I can give you more details on an answer if you like).

2 answers


In version 1.8 to generate subtotal you must use annotate and to generate the total you must use aggregate.

It is necessary to use Expressionwrapper when performing calculations with different types of values.


>>> from django.db.models import F, DecimalField, ExpressionWrapper
>>> q = SaleDetail.objects.filter(sale=1).values('price_sale', 'quantity')
>>> q_com_subtotal = q.annotate(subtotal=ExpressionWrapper(F('price_sale') * F('quantity')), output_field=DecimalField())
>>> q_com_subtotal[0].subtotal
>>> calculo_total = q_com_subtotal.aggregate(total=Sum('subtotal'))


  • first deuo seguinte erro: Django.core.exceptions.Fielderror: Expression contains Mixed types. You must set output_field. Hence I put Qs = q.annotate(subtotal=(F('price_sale') * F('Quantity')), output_field=Floatfield()) Qs[0]. subtotal And the error is: Attributeerror: 'Floatfield' Object has no attribute 'resolve_expression'

  • @Regisdasilva already updated the code.


For Django 1.8 or later, see response from Orion.

Django version 1.7 or earlier cannot be used F as a parameter of annotate, aggregate or values (see ticket #14030), so that the only way to do this is by using pure SQL (via extra). I don’t know if it is possible to calculate total and subtotal in a single query. An example (tested in Sqlite) is:

>>> SaleDetail.objects.extra(select={
...   'subtotal':'round(price_sale * quantity, 2)',
... }).values('price_sale', 'quantity', 'subtotal')
[{'subtotal': 21.0, 'price_sale': Decimal('10.5'), 'quantity': 2},
 {'subtotal': 28.65, 'price_sale': Decimal('9.55'), 'quantity': 3}]

>>> SaleDetail.objects.extra(select={
...   'total':'round(sum(price_sale * quantity), 2)',
... }).values('total')
[{'total': 49.65}]

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