I did that method:
public int VerificaUltimaAnalise()
WFExecutor vcmpExecutor = null;
WFAnalise vcmpAnalise = null;
Core vmpaCore = null;
int vintCdTransacao = 0;
int vintCdProxProcesso = 0;
int vintCdAnalise = 0;
//Instâncias e Inicializalções
vcmpExecutor = new WFExecutor();
vcmpAnalise = new WFAnalise();
vmpaCore = (Core)Page.Master;
//vintCdTransacao = vcmpExecutor.ConsultarTransacao(Request.Path.Substring(Request.Path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1));
vintCdProxProcesso = vcmpAnalise.ProximoProcessoAnalise(vintCdTransacao, int.Parse(hdfCdUsuario.Value), ref vintCdAnalise);
return vintCdProxProcesso;
catch (Exception Ex)
Mensagem = (wucMensagens)Page.Master.FindControl("wucMasterMensagens");
Mensagem.ExibirMensagem(wucMensagens.TipoAlerta.Erro, Ex.Source, Ex.Message, Ex.StackTrace);
And yet in design, gives me this mistake:
Not all code paths Return a value
This always happens when I try a Return inside a Try... catch block. What should I do to resolve this?
The function requires a return. Inside the Try you have one, but if you fall into the error and enter the catch you have no return. Hence the error.
– Joao Paulo
Related: not all code paths Return a value
– Guilherme Nascimento
That answer might help you What Try/Catch Blocks are for and when they should be used?
– DNick