How to consume EFD-Reinf Webservice in C#? (Sending Events)


Viewed 524 times


I am initiating the EFD-Reinf Information Submission Tests in C#.
By Visual Studio, I added a Service Reference in my project with the URL:

I have the digital certificate installed on my machine.
He requests permission to use the key:

Permissão da chave

It loads the available services, click OK and the service is available to me. I can instantiate, etc.

I ask, how should I proceed from there?

Because with other Webservices, like the Post Office, I did this way: instantiated, passed the parameters and WS returned me with the answer, and with the EFD-Reinf I do not know how to pass such parameters.

For those who have already developed, this is the best way to send the events of EFD-Reinf?

1 answer


The main code to access the EFD-Reinf Webservice is this:

using System.Net;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Xml.Linq;

public void EnviarLoteReinf()
   // Carrega o certificado digital a partir de um arquivo PFX, informando a senha.
   X509Certificate2 x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(caminhoArquivoPfx, senhaArquivoPfx);
   // Carrega o XML de lote a partir de um arquivo.
   // Mas os XMLs dos eventos devem ser assinados digitalmente antes de inseridos no XML de lote.
   // Para isso é possível usar a função SignXmlDoc() disponível na resposta abaixo:
   // /a/277476/
   XDocument loteEventosXDoc = XDocument.Load(caminhoArquivoXml);

   var urlServicoEnvio = @"";
   var address = new EndpointAddress(urlServicoEnvio);
   // BasicHttpsBinding está disponível somente a partir do .NET Framework 4.5.
   // Se estiver usando uma versão anterior, use a linha comentada abaixo.
   //var binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpsSecurityMode.Transport);
   var binding = new BasicHttpsBinding();

   // Informa que será usado um certificado digital para acessar o serviço.
   binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate;

   // Veja essa pergunta para mais detalhes:
   // /q/318351/
   ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

   // Cria o objeto cliente (do tipo System.ServiceModel.ClientBase) para acesso ao WebService.
   var wsClient = new ServiceReference2.RecepcaoLoteReinfClient(binding, address);
   // Passa o certificado digital para o objeto do tipo System.ServiceModel.ClientBase.
   wsClient.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = x509Cert;

   // Veja:
   // Chama o WebService de fato, passando o XML do lote.
   // O método espera um objeto do tipo XElement, e retorna outro objeto XElement.
   var retornoEnvioXElement = wsClient.ReceberLoteEventos(loteEventosXDoc.Root);

Some important points (and others not so much) that are partially commented on in the code, or are related:

  • The XML that will be sent to the service is a batch file that will contain one or more EFD-Reinf events. These event Xmls must be signed individually before they are inserted into the lot. reply there is an example of function to sign XML using digital certificate;
  • The class System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpsBinding is only available from . NET Framework 4.5, if you are using a previous version, use the class BasicHttpBinding;
  • For more details about the line ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls, see that question;
  • For interesting information on System.ServiceModel.ClientBase.Open() see that answer;
  • If you want to see an example of handling exceptions returned by a WCF Webservice, see that answer.

Here are some useful links to work with EFD-Reinf:

  • Thank you so much Pedro!!. I got it.! I just had to migrate from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2017 because of the framework!. Just returning a batch version error: <Description>Invalid batch version. Use version 1.04.00. </Description>. Should I open another question or continue in this post?

  • 1

    Vagner, good that it worked! But the best way to thank for a reply is to mark it as accepted by clicking on the visa sign ( ). When you reach 15 reputation points you can also vote in favour of an answer or question. See: Someone answered me and Why vote?. Also do the [tour], for an initial explanation of how the site works.

  • You better open up another question, Vagner, because it’s another entirely different question. But you can put a link to that question, in your new question, to better contextualize and not need to repeat text and code.

  • Although, in this my reply, has the link to the XSD Schemes at the end, and there is a link to the XSD Communication Package v1.4, which is the most current and what should be used. It will probably just be you upgrade to this schema which should work.

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