Detect if a particular page opens within an IFRAME


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I would like to know whether it is possible to detect the following situation:

  1. We have an intranet (from a board) that is loaded through a given address:

  2. We have a global INTRANET, within the first page of the Global intranet, the BOARD intranet is loaded into an IFRAME (so the SRC attribute of this IFRAME is >> ""

Question, it is possible, inside the page that answers by the address "" I detect that "I’m being" opened inside an IFRAME?

Objective, if I detect that I am being opened within an IFRAME adjust the presentation.

Sincerely yours,

3 answers


Yes, you can do as I explained in Javascript - Difference between this and self, then inside the page that can possibly be called inside the iframe add this:

if ( !== window.self) {
    alert('Esta página foi provavelmente chamada dentro de um iframe');
} else {
    alert('Esta página foi aberta diretamente na aba/janela');

What every property does:

  • window.self returns the current window object

  • returns the window object above all, for example if a page has an iframe called #frame1 and this iframe has another iframe called #frame2, then in #frame2 use it will return the page object that embarked the #frame1

You may also want to check if the domain is the same as your domain then the function does not occur, for example:

if ( !== {
    alert('Sua página foi embarcada por um dominio diferente');
} else if ( !== window.self) {
    alert('sua página foi provavelmente embarcada por uma página do mesmo dominio');
} else {
    alert('Esta página foi aberta diretamente na aba/janela');


If you want to redirect to your own website you can use .location = ... or .location.replace(...), the difference between the two is that location.replace will replace the current page, causing the page that had iframe nay is available on back and forward, what can be more interesting, example:

if ( !== window.self) {
    alert('Este site não permite enquadramentos (frame), você esta sendo redirecionado'); //Mensagem opicional;


However an interesting thing you can use to prevent the embed (if that’s what you want) is to use the header X-Frame-Options, which can be added via language server-side or even via . htaccess, web.config, etc. There are 3 possible values:

  • X-Frame-Options: DENY

    Prevents embed using frame or iframe from any site, even the site itself

  • X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Prevents sites with domains other than your own from shipping your (s) page(s), but if it is the same domain then you can board

  • X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM

    Allows a specific site to ship your page(s)).

Examples with SAMEORIGIN:

  • .htaccess:

    Header add X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
  • web config. (the ... is to indicate that you can add more settings):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />
  • Nginx.conf:

    location pasta_especifica {
         add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;      
  • PHP:

    header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN');
  • (in , I don’t think it’s much different if written in

    Response.AppendHeader("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN");


you can try to access window.frameElement, case frameElement is null, it’s because you’re not inside a iFrame.

  • All that was missing was a little example :)


I believe you can use the property parent (A Reference to the Parent of the Current window or subframe. ), and even be more specific as picking the address of the window that contains the iframe.


For more information you can use the link below.

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