Error initializing SQL Server Express


Viewed 4,968 times


I try to initialize the SQL Server service (SQLEXPRESS) and I get this error message:

erro sql

What can it be?

  • 2

    Hi. Just like the gmsantos suggested, if you do not find the problem, put here the contents of the error that appears in Eventviewer so that we can help you.

2 answers


Do not use the services.msc to start SQL Server services. It does not properly start SQL Server services.

Instead try to restart the service using the SQL Server Configuration Manager

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More information here at this link.

If the problem persists, use the Event Viewer to find the root cause of the service not started. I have had file permission issues in the database folder master SQL Server when starting the service on an account with no Administrator privileges, which I discovered from the error logs.


What may be happening is that the service of SQL Server is running with the user NT AUTHORITY\LocalService change to Conta do Sistema Local. This way you will be able to start the service normally.

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