
Java log API, considered "the successor to Log4j", with many additional features and improvements compared to its predecessors.

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JRE (Java Runtime Environment), is a free program that allows the user to run Java applications on their computer. JRE, consisting of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the…

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Use this tag when the question refers to code development with the Godot game engine. DO NOT POST questions about mere use of the interface or other features of Godot, t…

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Localstack is a tool for local development, simulating various services of the AWS Cloud environment (Amazon Web Services), making it more flexible and easier to develop…

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Swiftui is Apple’s declarative API for defining graphical interfaces. Use this tag for questions about Swiftui on any platforms.

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Abbreviation for "localization". Localization is the process of adapting software to suit users in a particular region, by adjusting languages, date formats, etc.

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Liferay, Inc. is an American company that develops Liferay Portal, a professional, open source content manager that provides free documentation to users. In addition to …

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Business content management (known by the acronym ECM - Enterprise Content Management) is the formal means by which documents and other content linked to the company’s p…

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Dbunit is an extension of Junit intended for database projects that, among other things, puts the database in a state known among test runs.

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Freetds is a set of libraries for Unix and Linux that allows their programs to speak natively with Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases. http://freetds.schemamania.…

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Openfire is an instant message server that offers various features, can easily be integrated with Active Directory and has Plugins to connect with MSN, Gtalk, ICQ, Yahoo…

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Questions with this tag should be specific to Microsoft’s Windows XP and not apply to other versions of Windows. In this case the [windows] tag would be more appropriate.

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Framework for responsive layout on websites. http://foundation.zurb.com/

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Easeljs is a Javascript library that makes working with the HTML5 canvas element easy. Useful for creating games, generative art, and other highly graphic experiences. I…

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Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English.

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Custom Elements is an API described by W3C part of the Web Components package that allows you to create and extend HTML elements by customizing their behavior.

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Plugin for translation of Wordpress sites. One of the oldest free plugins of this category, has a fairly extensive user base.

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APC is an acronym for Alternative PHP Cache, an opcode cache for PHP.

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Windows Internet Explorer 7 is the seventh version of the Internet Explorer browser created by Microsoft. Released on October 18, 2006, it was released after five years …

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Ogg is a free encapsulation format of multimedia or stream-oriented container file that is widely used on the internet through live radios and video uploads in which you…

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BASS is an audio library developed for various software platforms. It aims to provide the developer with powerful sampling functions, streaming (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV,…

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sapply is a command in the R language that applies a function to each element of a list. The sapply function returns attempts to simplify the result when possible (hence…

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