
In geometry, a polygon is a flat figure bounded by a closed polygonal line: for example, the hexagon is a six-sided polygon.

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The jQuery Blockui plugin allows you to simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. If the question is not about "jQuery Blockui", do not…

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Open source class set to create 2D games using the Lua language.

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Questions about the opposition between "what usually works in practice" and "what the specification guarantees will work". Also about problems related to how the specifi…

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Rscript (Rscript.exe in Windows) is a binary "front-end" for R for use in scripting applications.

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Tool/API set for HTML5 animations, with Javascript or Actionscript (AS3).

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`read.table` is a basic function of R that reads a table file and creates a`data.frame` from it.

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Bulletin Board Code is an HTML-based language used to format the text of messages posted on internet forums.

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SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions, originally called ISSE, Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions) is a SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) or (Single Instruction, Multipl…

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Delphi 2007 is a specific version of Delphi. It was created in 2007, its predecessor is the 2006 version and its successor is the 2009 version.

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individual who breaks a security system illegally or unethically.

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Static analysis is the analysis of software performed without the program running (what is known as dynamic analysis). In most cases this analysis is done in the source …

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VTEX is a cloud e-commerce platform.

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Masked input a plugin from the jQuery javascript library. It allows users to easily enter with a fixed width input, where they would like their users to enter a data in…

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Java ME or J2ME (Java Micro Edition), is a technology that enables the development of software for embedded or embedded systems and applications, that is, all that runs …

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This tag should be used when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related only to the Stack Exchange API. You should also consider asking in the …

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Syntactic Sugar, also used as Syntax Sugar, is a term used for when a programming language offers an easier way to be read and written.

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Pjax a technique that unites ajax and pushState

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Sinatra is a Ruby language Gem (library) to create simple web applications with Ruby

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Crux is a GWT-based open-source framework for web and mobile application development.

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Use this tag when your question is related to Android Assets. The Assets folder can be used to save data and files, you can browse this directory in the same way as a ty…

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OLAP,or Online Analytical Processing is the ability to manipulate and analyze a large volume of data from multiple perspectives. OLAP applications are used by managers …

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Defer is a Boolean attribute that, when present specifies that the script will be downloaded asynchronously and its execution will take place only when the entire HTML r…

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Metaquotes Language 4 (MQL4) is an internal language for programming trading strategies used on the trading platform, Metatrader4. Language developed by Metaquotes Softw…

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A free library for Javascript graphics, which can generate over twenty different types of graphics. It uses Javascript together with the tag <canvas> to create the graph…

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