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Capistrano is a Gem to deploy (deploy) web applications. Initially developed for Rails, it is intended to send your source code to a web server and allow versioning.

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A bignum packet on a computer or computer program allows the internal representation of integer, rational, decimal, or floating points as long as desired and provides a …

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Xtrareports is a highly optimized and complete cross-platform reporting suite for Winforms , ASP.NET , MVC, WPF and Silverlight. If the question is not about Xtrareports…

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In logic, inference is an intellectual operation by which the truth of a proposition is affirmed as a result of its connection with other propositions already recognized…

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AOP is a computer programming paradigm that allows software developers to separate and organize the code according to its importance to the application (Separation of Co…

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Jetty is a 100% HTTP and Servlet Container server written in Java. It is the great competitor of Tomcat who became famous for having been used as the container Jboss Ser…

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CUDA is a general-purpose parallel computing platform that takes advantage of NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (Gpus) to solve many complex computational problems in a f…

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Tortoise Git is a visual tool for the Git versioning system based on Tortoise SVN. If the question isn’t about "Git Tortoise", don’t use this tag, even if you’re using …

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Breadcrumbs is a structural navigation technique used in the user interface to provide them with a localization medium within the framework of programs or documents.

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An exploit is a piece of software, a piece of data or a sequence of commands that take advantage of a defect, failure or vulnerability in order to cause an accidental or…

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EDI (Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Data Interchange), is a commercial standard for structured file exchange. These files have documentation of their content, w…

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A small validation library for . NET that allows creating validation rules via lambda expressions.

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LWJGL (Lightweight Java Game Library) is an open-source Java library that allows access to popular Apis (e.g., Opengl, Openal, Opencl) for video game development or grap…

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In Software Engineering, prototype is a system/model (a website or other software) with no intelligent functionality (access to the database, for example), and may conta…

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Onedrive is a Microsoft cloud storage service. Features API and SDK for application development.

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