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The mouse is an indicator device (in English, 'Pointing device') that serves to move a cursor on the screen, allowing to select, move and manipulate objects thanks to bu…

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Use cluster to refer to a set of connected systems that work together so that they can be viewed as a single system.

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CTE - Common Table Expression

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Leaflet is an open source Javascript library for mobile-compatible interactive maps.

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pynput is a Python library for controlling and manipulating input devices.

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cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules that aims to freeze scripts written in the Python language into executables in the same way as py2exe and py2app. Unlike these …

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Use this tag for questions about Primeng, a collection of user interface components for Angular. Issues marked with [primeng] should also be marked with [angular].

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The Javascript standard module system, specified from the Ecmascript 2015 (ES6) edition. Use this tag only when the question is directly related to any mechanism, featur…

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Public is an access specifier commonly used in object-oriented programming that indicates that a member of an object can be access to it externally.

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(Pre-html). Some HTML documents have embedded equations or other nonexpressible HTML material. To incorporate non-HTML data, pre-processing instructions (IPP) are used. …

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F# is a succinct, expressive, and efficient object-oriented functional language for. NET that helps you write simple code to solve complex problems.

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Adobe Photoshop is a two-dimensional (raster) image editor with basic vector capabilities developed by Adobe Systems. Use this tag only for programming questions that re…

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