
Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service. Use this tag for questions about how to interact with Telegram, including using its official API.

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A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to selectors that specifies a special state of the selected element. For example :Hover will be applied a style when the user hover…

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A customizable graphical interface that interacts easily with VBA when working with Microsoft Office products.

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Questions about the syntax of the Ecmascript2015 (ES6) compact function called "Arrow functions" due to the use of "=>".

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Libreoffice is an integrated set of free and open source software applications, aimed at office tasks, with spreadsheet, text editor, presentation editor, editing progra…

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Github Pages is a static website hosting service that uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript files directly from a repository on Github and, as an option, executes the files thr…

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Puppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium under the Devtools Protocol.

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Jquery method that serves to add a class to the selected element, it does not replace the current classes of the element, only increments one or more classes.

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Mootools is a compact, modular, object-oriented Javascript framework designed for intermediate to advanced Javascript developers. It allows you to write powerful, flexib…

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This tag is used for issues related to the ARM processor family (Advanced RISC Machine).

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Case sensitive is an English language term that means size sensitive, or case sensitive, it is used to indicate that there are differences between upper case and normal …

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32-bit is a reference to the generation of computers that are built with 32-bit processors.

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Opacity is a CSS property that defines the transparency level of an object.

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A denial-of-service attack (also known as Dos Attack, an English acronym for Denial of Service), is an attempt to make a system’s resources unavailable to its users. Typ…

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lubridate is an R package that makes it easier to work with date and time objects.

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Javadoc is a documentation generator created by Sun Microsystems to document the API of Java programs from source code. The result is expressed in HTML. It consists basi…

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Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, second-generation distributed database system project that brings together the architecture of Dynamo, Amazon, and Google’s Bigtab…

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stdClass is a predefined PHP class, similar to Object in Java or Python. stdClass objects have no method or properties declared by default, and can still be iterated as …

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Adobe AIR allows developers to use HTML, Javascript, Adobe Flash software, and Actionscript to develop web applications for mobile devices and desktops that can run as s…

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It is a special type of identifier used in software applications to provide a reference number that will be unique in any context (so it is "Universal") as, for example,…

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Open Source OCR Software.

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Jtree is the component belonging to the javax.swing package that represents a hierarchical data tree. A Jtree object does not contain the data, it only provides visualiz…

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