
Open source software is software distributed under a license that specifically allows anyone to copy, modify, extend and redistribute the source code without paying roya…

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z-index represents the order on the z plane in which an element appears (2D interfaces). An element with larger stacking order is always in front of another element with…

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The Observer is a software design standard that defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when an object changes the state, all its dependents are notifie…

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ACL is an access control list that defines access permissions to a particular component or service of a system. Thus, in order for a server to provide access to a resour…

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bxSlider is a plugin for jQuery that facilitates the implementation of "sliders" (range with rotatable image), supporting features such as: adaptive size, supports multi…

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Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) is an object-oriented, multi-platform library and is free. It is a multimedia API written in C++ by Laurent Gomila. The goal of…

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JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) is a Java API for creating web services. It is part of Oracle’s Java EE platform. If the question is not about "JAX-WS", do not us…

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RGB is the abbreviation of the additive color system consisting of Red (Red), Green (Green) and Blue (Blue). The main purpose of the RGB system is color reproduction in …

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Programming language used by SAS (Statistical Analysis System)

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In PHP, it refers to the Domdocument class, which represents an entire HTML or XML document. It serves as the root of the document tree. If the question isn’t about P…

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The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software. INI files are plain text files with a basic structure composed of "se…

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Use this tag when the question involves distributed computing (processing, queries, data ingestion) using the Hadoop ecosystem.

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Video Player (or Video Player) is a term commonly used to describe computer programs for playing multimedia video files.

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Rotation is the circular motion of an object around a center or point of rotation.

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Summernote is a Javascript library to help create WYSIWYG editors. It supports Bootstrap3.

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