
Primefaces is a JSF component library that features a large set of rich components that uses jQuery and jQuery UI behind the scenes. It supports the jQuery UI Themerolle…

748 questions

Model-view-controller (MVC) is a model of software architecture that separates information representation from user interaction with it.

743 questions

HTML forms are used to pass data to the server. An HTML Form can contain input elements such as text fields, checkboxes, radio-Buttons, Submit buttons and more. A form …

725 questions

An algorithm is a sequence of well-defined steps that defines an abstract solution to a problem. Use this tag when the problem is related to the design of an algorithm. …

723 questions

In object orientation, a class is a structure that abstracts a set of objects with similar characteristics. A class defines the behavior of its objects through methods a…

715 questions

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems created by Microsoft, a company founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Prior to the NT version, it was a graphical inte…

704 questions

React Native is a framework based on the React library, developed by Facebook engineers that consists of a series of tools that enable the creation of mobile application…

700 questions

A layout defines the visual structure of the user interface. Normally declared in XML files, they are used by Activities and Fragments to interact with the user.

699 questions

A (Brazilian Portuguese) or (European Portuguese) computer file is a resource for storing information, which is available to a computer program and is usually based on s…

693 questions

Visual Basic . NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be seen as an evolution of Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6), but applied on the . …

682 questions

Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, object-oriented, cross-platform, open-source language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) in 1995. The [ruby] tag is for issues related …

679 questions

Loops are a type of flow control structure in programming in which a series of statements can be run repeatedly until some condition is satisfied.

671 questions

ASP.NET Core is a Microsoft framework as a redesign of ASP.NET.

663 questions

The Java Persistence API (JPA) defines a path to map Plain Old Java Objects (Pojos) to a database, these Pojos are called entity Beans.

652 questions

Sqlite is a C-language library that implements a built-in SQL database. Programs that use the Sqlite library can have access to SQL database without running a separate D…

652 questions

WARNING: if this tag is appropriate, the question is probably duplicate. Do a search on the site before posting. Still, infrastructure configuration does not belong to t…

651 questions

Pandas is an open source library, which provides high performance data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.

646 questions

A variable is a named data storage location in memory. Using variables , a computer program can store text numbers, binary data, or a combination of any of these data t…

645 questions

Spring Boot lets you create production-ready Spring apps with minimal setup. Spring Boot favors convention on configuration and is designed to have an application runni…

642 questions

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, or Java EE (or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a programming platform for servers in the Java programming language.

631 questions

Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is an open-source HTTP server. Use this tag for software development issues that specifically involve Apache HTTP Ser…

631 questions

Use this tag when the question refers to a resource, information, or problem that relates exclusively to the Nosql Mongodb database. Mongodb is a scalable, open source, …

587 questions

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a component of Microsoft. NET Framework that adds native data query (query) functionality in . NET languages.

578 questions

Questions related to software development for portable devices such as mobile phones (en: mobile) and tablets, on or off the web (mobile sites) (apps).

555 questions

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems, such as the World Wide Web, using simply HTTP. It has grow…

552 questions

Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. Use this tag only when the subject is related to this version of the framework.

538 questions

Tag used when a question asks clarification on software development terms.

532 questions

The Google Maps Apis family lets you incorporate the functionality of Google Maps into your own website and apps.

530 questions

Apache Cordova, formerly called Phonegap, is an open source mobile development platform with Apis that allow developers to access native device functions such as camera …

527 questions

Flutter is a mobile application development SDK created by Google.

510 questions

An array is a collection of variables of the same type, accessible with a single name and stored contiguously in memory. The individualization of each variable of a vect…

508 questions

Eclipse is an open source IDE (integrated development environment) with plugins available to support a wide variety of languages. This tag should be used only for questi…

499 questions

In software projects, front-end is the part of the software system that interacts directly with the user. If the question is not about "front-end", do not use this tag, …

498 questions

Use this tag for questions about the Xamarin platform, which enables you to develop native mobile apps for iOS and Android using C# in Mono or Visual Studio. Ideally a s…

494 questions

Use this tag when the question refers to a table-only resource, information or problem, which is an HTML tag used to define a table.

493 questions

Swift is a multi-paradigm programming language for Apple’s iOS and macOS operating systems. It was created by Chris Lattner in 2010 and released on Apple’s WWDC on 06/02…

491 questions