
Try-catch is a syntactic construct used in programming languages for handling exceptions, which can occur in a section or section of the program.

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Cakephp 3 is a framework for web development in PHP. Cakephp 3 is currently supported in versions equal to or greater than PHP 5.4. If the doubt isn’t about Cakephp 3, …

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Website is a junction of the English words web (network) and website (site, place), used to refer to a page or a grouping of related pages, accessible on the Internet th…

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Base64 is a set of encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII format string.

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Team Foundation Server is a Microsoft product that supports the Application Lifecycle Management process, or application lifecycle management, known by the acronym ALM, …

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Crystal Reports is a tool that allows the creation of reports. It can be applied together in languages like Visual Basic, languages . NET or directly in web applications…

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It is the feature that allows rewriting methods in the base classes so that a method can behave differently in different classes.

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Jframe is the class of the javax.swing package that represents a window. Use this tag only for questions related to this component

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A data structure that uses a hash function to map identification values, known as keys, to their associated values.

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Google Play is the online store of Google for distribution of applications, games, movies, music and books. Previously the store was called Android Market. Use This T…

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Regression analyses are statistical techniques for modeling and predicting one or multiple variables based on other data. Use this tag for regression questions.

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Textview is used to display text to the user, as well as Swing Jlabel.

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The Cordova-plugin tag must be referenced every time you are using some extension or tool added to the Apache Cordova platform.

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A package is a set of related classes and interfaces.

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WAMP is acronym for the combination: Windows, Apache, Mysql, PHP - Perl - Python. It is used to perform the automatic installation of these softwares in a way that facil…

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Symfony is an open source PHP framework focusing on fast and easy development cycles including project standards and programming philosophies of the highest level.

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A dialog box is a floating window that contains a title bar and a content area. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the x icon by default.

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GPS stands for "Global Positioning System" which stands for global positioning system. GPS is a satellite navigation system.

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Pascal is a structured programming language, named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal.

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Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object…

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A Calendar (Calendar) is a time counting system that defines days, months and years. The term can be used for classes or libraries that manipulate and display data from …

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Computer science is the science behind programming. It is the theoretical study of the foundation of information, computing and practical techniques for its implementati…

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Redux is a state container for Javascript applications, based on the Flux application architecture.

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A reference is a value that allows a program to indirectly access a particular data, such as a variable or record in the memory of the computer or other storage device. …

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Parallel computing is a form of computation in which multiple calculations are performed simultaneously, operating on the principle that large problems can usually be di…

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Jar (Java Archive) is a compressed file used to distribute a set of Java classes, a java application, or other items such as images, Xmls, and more. It is used to store …

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the human-like intelligence displayed by mechanisms or software. It is also an area of computing research dedicated to seeking methods or…

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The Web Crawler (also known as Web Spider) is a computer program that navigates the World Wide Web in a methodical and automated manner or in an orderly manner. Other te…

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