What is "ux"

By its semantic meaning, experience is any knowledge, wisdom, or expertise acquired in practical or cognitive activities. Experience has a temporal character once they arise during and/or after the implementation of the activities.

Formally, and from the point of view of Human-Computer Interaction (IHC)*, user experience is defined as:

"the perceptions and responses of a person resulting from the use or anticipation of the use of a product, system or service"

Thus, not only is the temporal character extended - for with anticipation certain experiences can be produced before use of a product - as there is also a subjective character related to the perceptions and responses of interaction, since both can have physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional and aesthetic meanings1.

Unlike traditionally studied by IHC and design, satisfaction with a product is considered by as well as the mere usefulness and absence of discomfort sought by ergonomic criteria, as it is considered that the experience also involves hedonic attributes such as appeal, preference, and emotional components involved in the evocation of fun2.

To has clear intersection with interaction design in the sense of also using heuritics for the creation and evaluation of user interfaces and control methods.

* See item 2.15 in ISO 9241-210:2010(en) - Ergonomics of Human-system Interaction - Part 210: Human-centred design for Interactive systems