What is "url"

To Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a uniform resource identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism to retrieve it.

In popular usage and in many technical documents and verbal discussions, URL is often incorrectly used as synonymous with URI. The best known example of using Urls is for the addresses of pages on the World Wide Web, such as http://www.example.com/.

The uniform resource finder was created in 1994 by the URI working group Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Tim Berners-Lee. The format is based on Unix file path syntax, where the bars are used for the separate directory or folder and file or resource names. Conventions already existed, where server names can be prefixed to complete file paths, preceded by a double bar (//).

File formats can also be specified using a endpoint suffix, so that requests for file.html or arquivo.txt' podem ser servidos diretamente enquantofile.php` has to be sent to a PHP preprocessor before the processed result is served to the end user. The exposure of such implementation-specific details on public Urls is becoming less common, the required information can be better specified and exchanged using Internet media type identifiers, previously known as types MIME.

Berners-Lee later lamented the use of dots to separate the parts of the domain name within Uris, wishing he should have used bars everywhere. For example, http://www.example.com/path/to/name would have been written http:com/example/www/path/to/name. Berners-Lee also said that, preferring the two points following the URI scheme, the two bars before the domain name were also unnecessary.