What is "twitter-bootstrap"

Bootstrap is a framework of front-end, created by Twitter, designed to leverage the development of web applications and websites. Among other things, it includes CSS and HTML bases for typography, icons, forms, buttons, tables, layout grids, navigation, along with jQuery plug-ins and support for "responsive layouts" ready.

It is tested and supported in major modern browsers such as the latest versions of Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox 5+, and Internet Explorer 7+. Mobile browsers are supported by Bootstrap 2.0+.

As of version 2.0, the standard download package contains cumulative Javascript and CSS files. If you are looking for an uncompiled source file from LESS, documentation and model examples, you can download them on Github page of the project.

There are two major versions of the framework:

Bootstrap was initially licensed under the Apache License 2, but now has double license: MIT and Apache 2.

ASP.Net users can easily install Bootstrap with this nuget pack, with the command:

    Install -Package Twitter.Bootstrap