What is "tree"

Tree is a data structure that inherits the characteristics of tree topologies. Conceptually different from the linked lists, in which the data are in a sequence, in the trees the data are arranged hierarchically. The Tree is composed of 1 (one) Main Element called Root, which has links to other Elements, which are called Branches or Sons. These branches lead to other elements that also have other branches. The element that does not have branches is known as Leaf and/or Node-terminal. The maximum number of branches in an element is called Tree Order. A binary tree is that of order 2, i.e., where each element has at most 2 branches.

There are several types of Trees:

  • Binary tree
  • Binary tree
  • Binary search tree
  • AVL tree
  • Ordered tree
  • Red-black tree
  • Tree 2-3
  • Tree 2-3-4
  • Tree B
  • Tree B+
  • Hyperbolic tree