What is "streaming"

Streaming or media flow is a form of data distribution, usually multimedia over a network through packets. It is often used to distribute multimedia content over the Internet.

In streaming, the information is not stored by the user on his own computer not occupying space on Hard Disk (HD), he receives the "stream", the transmission of the data (other than temporary archiving in the system cache or the user actively recording the data) - the media is played as it reaches the user, depending on the bandwidth is sufficient to play the content, if it is not enough there will be interruptions in playback of the file.

This allows a user to play content protected by copyright, on the Internet, without the violation of these rights, similar to radio or television open differently from what would occur in the case of content Download, where there is media storage in HD configuringif an illegal copy.

The information can be transmitted on various architectures, such as Multicast IP or Broadcast. Examples of services like this are Netflix and Hulu.

For more information, visit: Streaming.