What is "sql-server"

Microsoft SQL Server is a set of relational database management system (RDBMS) products that offer multi-user database access functionality. It originated from the 4.x Sybase SQL server code base and Transact-SQL dialect (T-SQL) but has forked significantly since then.

SQL Server is available in several versions, usually identified by year of release, and the versions are subdivided into editions to distinguish between product functionality. The latest released version is SQL Server 2014.

The SQL Server product range is divided widely into five categories:

 1. SQL Server is the main product set of corporate servers and developers. Major differences are licensing costs, capabilities and components included in the product, with some minor differences supported language features. Serial components include database language and storage server, development tools, ETL tools, programmers and replication. Other components include OLAP, reports and parallel computing. Components run as NT services.

 2. SQL Server Express is free for use and distribution, but reduced the performance of engine, the functionality and capacity of that found in your other server siblings. It is focused on small deployments and runs as a NT service.

 3. SQL Server Compact is an embeddable subset of SQL Server. As the Express edition has a reduced language, functionality and capacity, it is free to distribute. It is focused on small installations and desktop applications where your Footprint is small and the no resource management requirement are a big advantage.

 4. SQL Azure is fully managed, hosted, high availability instance of SQL Server 2005 with some language syntax support for federated queries, operated in datacenters Microsoft Azure.

 5. SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse is a pre-built Datawarehouse device that offers massively parallel processing for SQL Server, allowing support for many hundreds of terabytes.


Tag recommendation:

There are several version-specific tags. It is recommended to use along with the version-specific tag, for example, .