What is "soa"
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be translated as a service-oriented architecture, and is a software architecture style whose fundamental principle is that the functionalities implemented by applications should be made available in the form of services. Often these services are connected via a "service bus" (Enterprise bus service) that provides interfaces, or contracts, accessible through web services or other form of communication between applications. The SOA architecture is based on the principles of distributed computing and uses the request/reply paradigm to establish communication between client systems and systems that implement services.
In addition to the strictly technical perspective, the service-oriented architecture also relates to certain policies and sets of "good practices" that aim to create a process to facilitate the task of finding, defining and managing the services made available.
The service-oriented architecture is also part of a process of reorganizing the organizations' information technology departments, allowing a better relationship between the areas that provide technological support to the company and the areas responsible for the business itself, thanks to greater agility in the implementation of new services and reuse of existing assets.
Source: Article on Wikipedia