What is "sftp"

Its purpose is similar to that of conventional FTP, but due to the use of encryption in the connections (through the establishment of an SSH tunnel) the traffic of information has an effective security increment. despite the similarity to the FTP name, SFTP has different characteristics, one of them is the type of authentication and file transfer that is based on SSH Keys a method with public key encryption, which makes communication between a local computer and the remote server totally secure. The way to connect to a SFTP server is slightly different from FTP as you must use your SSH Keys to establish authentication with the remote server. In this post I explain step by step how to configure a connection with SFTP server using Filezilla(SFTP Server(FTP).

Requirements To set up an SFTP connection with Filezilla you need:

  1. Create your SSH Key-pair.
  2. Remote server address properly configured with SSH and SFTP.
  3. SFTP server (FTP).