What is "scheme"


Scheme is a multiparadigma programming language that supports functional and procedural programming.

The functional paradigm is a programming paradigm that treats computation as an evaluation of mathematical functions, it avoids mutable states and emphasizes the application of functions, in contrast to imperative programming, which emphasizes changes in the state of the program.

The procedural paradigm is a programming paradigm often used as synonymous with imperative programming, which specifies the steps that the program must follow to achieve an expected state, but the procedural term indicates that it is based on the concept of procedural calls, also known as routines, subroutines or functions (different from mathematical functions). Note that such procedures are similar to the evaluation performed in the functional programming, being a set of computational steps to be executed, being able to be called at any time during the execution of the program, through other procedures and even by himself.


It was created by Guy L. Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman in the fall of 1975, from the Lisp language to study the theory of Carl Hewitt’s actors. As one of the descendants of the Lisp language, Scheme shares most of its syntax, but provides lexical rules rather than dynamic scope rules.

Hello World in Scheme

(display "Olá, Mundo!")