What is "sbt"
- Fairly fast, non-intrusive and easy to set up for simple projects
- Configuration, customization and extension are done in Scala
- Precise recompilation (in theory) is done using information extracted from the compiler
- Continuous compilation and testing with triggered execution
- Supports Scala/Java mixed projects, jars packages, generates documentation with scaladoc
- Supports Scalacheck Test, Specifications and Scalatest (Junit is supported by a plugin)
- Start Scala REPL with project classes and dependencies in classpath
- Multi-module and support for external projects
- Running tasks in parallel, including running the parallel test
- Dependency management support: inline declaration, external Ivy or Maven configuration files, or management manual
Official repository on Github https://github.com/sbt/sbt.
Official website http://www.scalasbt.org