What is "proxy"

Proxy is an intermediate server that meets requests by forwarding the client data ahead: a user (client) connects to a server proxy, ordering some service such as a file, connection, web page, or any other resource available on the other server.

A server proxy can optionally change the client request or server response and can sometimes make this feature available even without connecting to the specified server. It can also act as a server that caches data on computer networks. They are installed in machines with connections typically superior to those of customers and with high storage power.

These servers have a number of uses, such as filtering content, providing anonymity, among others.

A proxy cached or, in English, proxy caching, allows for example the client to request a document on the World Wide Web and the proxy Search for the document in your box (). If found, the request is met and the document is returned immediately. Otherwise, proxy searches the document on the remote server, delivers it to the client and saves a copy in its cache. This allows a decrease in latency, since the server proxy, and not the original server, is requested, also providing a reduction of bandwidth use.