What is "polymer"

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui Polymer is being developed by Google as an open source project to bring to modern browsers the possibility of features that are still being actively documented and implemented in the specifications of the W3C, allowing future technologies to be used now.

In the design the Polymer is divided mainly into 2 layers, a cahamada plataform.js contains a number of polyfills, that add support to Mutation Observers (DOM4), Pointer Events, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, HTML Imports, Templatebinding, Node.bind and Web Animation. The other that is the core of the project is called polymer.js and this adds support for AMD standard loading (Asynchronous Module Definition, or Asynchronous Module Definition), with an extra feature undocumented in the Commonjs that serves to check loading conditions for each module, loading only what is necessary for correct execution of the module.

That is, if used correctly, Polymer will only load the resources that the browser does not have native support and the modules already loaded it will repurpose, without the need to reload them.

Diagram representing the polymer structure: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Official website: http://www.polymer-project.org/

Source code of the project: https://github.com/polymer/polymer