What is "pdo"

The extent PHP Data Objects (PDO) sets an interface to access databases in . Each database driver that implements a PDO interface can expose database-specific features as normal extension functions.

Note that it is not possible to perform any specific database function using the PDO extension by itself; it is necessary to use a specific driver to access the database server.

Supported drivers:

  • MS SQL Server
  • Firebird
  • IBM
  • Informix
  • Mysql
  • MS SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • ODBC and DB2
  • Postgresql
  • Sqlite
  • 4D

There are controversies about the use of PDO being advantageous or not (example in relation to Mysql, but the discussion goes for others Engines) Mysqli vs PDO - which is the most recommended to use?. There are many guidelines for use without proper technical analysis, as can be noted by the wide variety of responses and comments with varied information.