What is "pagespeed-insights"

Pagespeed Insights

Pagespeed Insights is an open source project started by Google to help developers optimize their web pages by applying performance best practices on the web.

Pagespeed Insights measures website performance and delivers a score from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the better the performance. It searches the URL twice, once with a user agent mobile device and once with a user agent computer, as in the image:

Google PageSpeedInsight

Pagespeed Insights measures how the page can improve its performance on:

  • Charging time above the fold: time elapsed between the moment the user requests a new page and the moment when content above the fold is processed by the browser.
  • Full page loading time: time elapsed between the moment the user requests a new page and the moment when the page is fully processed by the browser.

Other criteria that Pagespeed Insights analyzes

  • Speed
  • Browser cache
  • Response time of the server
  • Image optimization
  • Javascript and CSS locking
  • Compression of CSS
  • Javascript compression
  • HTML compression
  • Prioritization of visible content
  • Avoid redirects from the landing page
  • Compression on the server

Each suggestion is classified with a priority indicator that indicates its importance, and the result it will bring in Google indexing:

Imagem de Exemplo do PSI

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