What is "objective-c"

Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language that combines features of C and Smalltalk. It is a superset of C (any valid C code is the equally valid Objective-C code), and inherits its object-oriented capabilities from Smalltalk. All procedural syntax is identical to C, and all object-oriented syntax is an implementation of Smalltalk messages.

Objective-C was created primarily by Brad Cox and Tom Amor in the early 1980s at his company Stepstone. It is now mainly developed by to Apple Inc..

Objective-C is a high-level, object-oriented general purpose programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messages to the C programming language. It is the main programming language used by Apple for Mac OS X and iOS and their respective Apis, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.


Objective-C is a thin layer on top of C, and in addition is a superset of C, it is possible to compile any C program with an Objective-C compiler, and to freely include C code within an Objective-C class. Objective-C derives its Smalltalk object syntax. All the syntax for non-object-oriented operations (including primitive variables, preprocessing, expressions, function statements and function calls) are identical to that of C, while the syntax for object-oriented features is an implementation of the Smalltalk-style messaging.