What is "netbeans"


The Netbeans IDE helps programmers write, compile, debug, and install applications, and has been architected in the form of a reusable framework that aims to simplify development and increase productivity by bringing together all of these features in a single application. Fully written in Java, but that can support any other programming language you develop with Swing, such as C, C++, Ruby and PHP. Also supports markup languages like XML and HTML.

Netbeans provides a solid foundation for creating projects and modules, has a large set of libraries, modules, and Apis (Application Program Interface, a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications) in addition to extensive documentation - including in Portuguese - well organized. Such features help the developer write their software faster. The distribution of the tool is carried out under the conditions of the SPL (Sun Public License), a variation of the MPL (Mozilla Public License). This license aims to ensure the redistribution of knowledge to the developer community when new functionality is incorporated into the tool. It is currently distributed in several languages and this has made it increasingly popular, making it easier for programming beginners to access and enabling multilingual application development.

Since Netbeans is written in Java, it is platform-independent, works on any operating system that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Some of its main features are:

  • Integrated, feature-rich source editor for applications Web (Servlets and JSP, JSTL, Ejbs) and visual applications with Swing that is a Java Application Programming Interface (API) for graphical interfaces. Swing API seeks to draw on its own all components, instead of delegating this task to the system operational, like most other GUI Apis work; class viewer integrated with interface, which automatically generates the code of the components as well organized, thus facilitating the understanding of programmers beginners;
  • Java Enterprise Edition support, programming platform computers that are part of the application-oriented Java platform multilayered, based on components that run on a application server;
  • UML plugins, Unified Modeling Language, modeling language third generation non-proprietary, and remote development in teams;
  • User-friendly interface with CVS or Concurrent Version System ( Concurrent Versions) is a version control system that allows working with several versions of files organized in one directory and located locally or remotely, keeping their old versions and the logs of who and when manipulated the files;
  • CSS, some features for editing style sheets like highlights, auto-complete features, code analysis;
  • Local and online help;
  • Refined debug of applications and components;
  • Advanced auto-complete; full ANT support, advanced automation of program construction and TOMCAT, server Java web applications; module integration;
  • Database (database), Data view and Connection Wizard support
    which are built-in modules in the IDE;
  • Javadoc Generation: the tool allows automatic generation of HTML javadoc files from the comments inserted in code, in addition to features that facilitate the inclusion of comments in code. shortcuts to copy entire lines of code.

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