What is "int"

A whole is a type of data that represents some finite subset of mathematical integers and may or may not be allowed to contain negative values.

Integers are usually represented on a computer as a group of binary digits.

Computer hardware almost always provides a way to represent a processor logger or memory address as an integer.

Examples of integers represented in binary form:

Common name: byte or char

8 bits com sinal => armazena um número de -128 a +127
8 bits sem sinal => armazena um número de 0 a +255

Common name: word, halfword or shorts

16 bits com sinal => armazena um número de -32.768 a +32.767
16 bits sem sinal => armazena um número de 0 a +65.535

Common name: doubleword or longword

32 bits com sinal => armazena um número de -2.147.483.648 a +2.147.483.647
32 bits sem sinal => armazena um número de 0 a +4.294.967.295

Source and further information: