What is "http-status"
Part of the HTTP responses, consisting of:
A 3-digit code being the first of 1 to 5 (defining which of the 5 classes belongs)
A word or expression that summarizes the type of answer
Codes are classified into classes/ranges (ranges), from 100 to 199 is one, from 200 to 299 is another and so on until 599. Each is of a different type:
1xx: all status starting with 1 is informative type, little used, but allow the client to send headers and body of the request separately
2xx: all status starting with 2 are of type success, the request had no error and the server was able to process
3xx: all status starting with 3 is redirect like in 2xx, everything ok, but content with the answer is elsewhere
4xx: all status starting with 4 are of the client-side error type, the request has some problem and the server could not process
5xx: all status starting with 5 are of the server-side error type, the request is correct, but the server could not process due to some problem
Custom codes can be used, and if the user agent finds a code that he does not recognize, he can use the first digit to determine the generic class of the response.