What is "http-methods"

Or method, in English, is the verb to be used and tells the server which operation will be executed in a given resource

Browsers only implement GET and POST verbs, however there are 7 other officers:

  • GET: Requires a representation of the specified resource (The same resource can have multiple representations, for example services that return XML and JSON).

  • HEAD: Returns the headers of a response (without the body containing the resource)

  • POST: Sends an entity and requests that the server accepts it as a subordinate to the resource identified by the URI.

  • PUT: Requires an entity to be stored under the given URI. If the URI refers to a resource that already exists, it is modified; if the URI does not point to an existing resource, then the server can create the resource with that URI.

  • DELETE: Deletes the specified resource.

  • TRACE: Echoes back the request received for the client to see if there have been changes and additions made by intermediary servers.

  • OPTIONS: Returns the HTTP methods the server supports for the specified URL.

  • CONNECT: Converts the connection request to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel, usually to facilitate encrypted SSL (HTTPS) communication through an unencrypted HTTP proxy.

  • PATCH: Used to apply partial modifications to a resource.

In traditional architecture is usually not used wide variety, but there are advantages of using the right HTTP methods

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