What is "firebase"

Firebase is a platform for developing applications based on real-time data storage and synchronization using client-side code only. Using Firebase you will be able to store and synchronize the application data in an extremely simple and direct way.

Firebase offers integration with multiple platforms such as Angularjs, Ember.js and Node.js, but you can simply include the javascript library in a simple html page and start developing an application with real-time data transmission.

What is the Firebase?


  • Cloud Messaging: Reliably send and receive messages across platforms
  • Authentication: Reduce friction with robust authentication
  • Realtime Database: Store and sync real-time application data in JSON format
  • Storage: Facilitate in file storage
  • Hosting: Provide faster web service content
  • Remote Config: Remote customization of the application
  • Test Lab: Provide cloud-based infrastructure to test applications
  • Crash Reporting: Generate and group bug reports that happen in the app to keep it stable.
  • Admob: Monetize mobile apps with targeted advertising
  • Functions: Run back-end code for mobile devices without managing servers
  • Predictions: Foresee user behaviour to facilitate decision-making.
  • Cloud Firestore: Store and sync application data in real time, splitting it into Collections and Documents
  • ML Kit: Make Use of Machine Learning in Mobile Apps Easily
  • In-app Messaging: Send messages shown in dialogue form on Android and/or iOS