What is "extjs"

Sencha Extjs provides a complete object-oriented framework for creating a desktop application, such as running in a web browser or packaged as a native application. It manages the object lifecycle, layouts, thematization, data storage, ajax communication and a large library of user interface widgets including graphics.

Originally built as an add-on for YUI library, it has a modular architecture that developers can extend using Javascript.

On June 15, 2010, the merger of Ext JS with Jqtouch and Raphaël was announced to form a new organization called Sencha Inc. Ext JS continues to be available as a flagship product on the Sencha website along with Sencha Touch, Sencha GWT , Sencha Architect , Sencha Animator and Ext core.


  • 1.1 - August 2007
  • 2.0 - December 2007
  • 3.0 - July 2009
  • 4.0 - April 2011
  • 4.1 - April 2012
  • 4.2 - March 2013
