What is "dsp"

Dsps (Digital Signal Processor) are microprocessors specializing in digital signal processing used to process audio, video, etc., whether in real time or offline. One of the uses of the DSP that caught the attention of the media was the proposal of noise cancellation: through the proposed system a device would capture the ambient noise and generate an "antinoise", with symmetric waves: to each valley would correspond a peak and vice versa. This could cancel out the noise of an environment, for example, inside a car.

Bibliographic References

  • Yovits, Marshall C.. Advances in Computers.: Academic Press, 1993. 105-107 p. vol. 37.
  • Liptak, Béla G.. Instrument Engineers' Handbook: Process control and Optimization.: CRC Press, 2006. 11-12 p. vol. 2.