What is "dreamweaver"

Adobe Dreamweaver, formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver, is development software aimed at created by Macromedia (acquired by Adobe Systems), and which is currently in the CC version.

In Design mode, as an editor , Dreamweaver can hide the details of the user’s HTML code, making it possible for non-specialists to easily create web pages, websites and even applications. Some developers criticize this mode of Dreamweaver’s function for producing dirty code, much larger than needed, which can lead to viewing errors in HTML pages and security errors in web applications. However, this type of error does not give the tool, but rather to the professional who is using the tool, because like other development Ide’s, Dreamweaver also gives you the possibility to edit your work in code mode, supporting the syntax of all programming languages covered by the software and also possessing hints, references in code mode and even extensions to thresh codes.

Another good feature of Dreamweaver is to allow you to select most browsers to have a forecast (preview) of the HTML Output view of the page directly in the target browser(s). The software also has great project management and transfer tools such as the ability to find and replace, in the entire project, lines of text or code through specified parameters. The behavior panel also allows the creation of basic, without any knowledge of coding.