What is "domain"
Domain is a name used to locate and identify sets of computers on web. The domain name has been designed with the aim of making it easier to remember computer addresses on the Internet. Without it, we’d have to memorize a large sequence of numbers.
Under the current rules, for the registration of a domain to be effective, at least two servers are required dns connected to the Internet and already configured for the domain that is being requested.
The registration of domains in Portugal is done in Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN). In Brazil it is done by Registro.br, department of Information and Coordination Center of the BR Point, executive arm of Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br). To register a domain, it is necessary to be an entity legally represented or established in Brazil as a legal entity (Institutions that have CNPJ) or physical (CPF) that has a contact in the national territory.