What is "dom"

DOM (Document Object Model - Document Object Model) is a W3C specification for a platform and language independent interface, where one can dynamically change and edit the structure, content and style of an electronic document, allowing the document to be later processed and the results of that processing, incorporated back into the document itself. The DOM API offers a standard way to access the elements of a document, in addition to being able to work with each of these elements separately, and for these reasons create highly dynamic pages.


W3C began development of the DOM in the mid-1990s. Although the W3C never produced the DOM 0 specification, it was however partially a document model and was included in the HTML 4 specification.

In October 1998, the first specification (DOM 1) was released. The next version (DOM 2) was released two years later in November 2000, with specifications on the Object style sheet model and on information style manipulation. The third version (DOM 3) was released in April 2004 and is the current specification for Document Object Model.


Browsers Initially, when each browser exclusively supported its own DOM interpreter, there were numerous operating problems. In order to be cross-browser compatible, that is, supporting multiple browsers, a large part of the DHTML code had to be rewritten for each browser to be supported. The promise of the specification was to substantially simplify the development of complex web applications.

DOM Level 1 has been a recommendation since 1 October 1998. The normalization effort did not bring an immediate change because few flexible browsers like Internet Explorer 4.x and Netscape 4.x were still used worldwide in 2000. By 2005, a large portion of the DOM specification was already well supported by the most common browsers that had Javascript support, including Internet Explorer (version 5 and 6), Gecko-based browsers (such as Mozilla, Firefox and Camino), Konqueror, Opera and Safari.

External links

W3C Document Object Model

XML DOM Tutorial