What is "demoiselle"

Since version 2, Demoiselle offers several facilities for developing CDI-backed applications. The project builds on several common implementations that applications would need to make, such as: exception handling, transaction and access control using CDI Interceptors; startup and shutdown management, JMX, configuration files using CDI Portable Extensions; injection of classes originally not supported using CDI Produces; utilities and templates.

Demoiselle is divided into Core and Extensions: where Core defines the supported features (cited above) and gives the default behavior, while Extensions override the default behavior by adding facilities related to certain specifications (RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction, JTA transaction, JAAS authentication, Entitymanager injection, Connection injection, REST Exceptionmappers implementation... among many others).

Core and Extensions are fully JSR compliant, giving complete freedom for Demoiselle to be used in conjunction with any JSR compliant vendor implementation, whether in SE or EE environment.